Unit 1 Foundations of the Profession Karin Polifko, PhD, RN, CNAA
Chapter 1 From Practice to Professionalism: The Struggle Within
Nursing in Changing Times Reorganizing Care –New focus areas for nurses –NJPC –Expanding scope of practice –Increased need for more education
Era of Ambiguity and Opportunity Enhanced communication Increased knowledge acquisition Provision of culture-conscious patient care
Professional Identity Definition: “…fundamental to its formation are service to society, a distinct body of knowledge on which practice is based, self-regulation, adherence to a code of ethics, commitment to lifelong learning, and a unique subculture.”
Professional Identity Begins upon entry into school Relationship development “Failure to use professional nurses according to their education and expertise is a malady of misuse”
Public Identity N-STAT What is our image in the media, among friends, professionally?
Professional Workforce in the 21 st Century
Core Competencies Collaborative relationships Commitment to lifelong learning Evaluation of outcomes of care Informatics as “5 th vital sign”