How is propaganda used to influence our decisions?
Today we will learn the tools for analyzing different texts while exploring propaganda from the French Revolution
In your notebook, take 2 minutes and jot down what you know about propaganda. Questions to consider: What does it mean? What is its purpose? Is it always good or bad? Can it be both? Can you think of an example? Be prepared to share out and discuss
According to Merriam-Webster, propaganda is “Ideas or statements that are often [but not always] false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc.”
Please write these down in your notebooks! 1) Appeals to emotions 2) Attempts to persuade/influence 3) Manipulates the truth – Not necessarily a lie, but contains some bias
Used by many people and groups, including: Special interest groups Political parties Political candidates Businesses Government organizations, etc.
Communicated through many mediums, including: Paintings Cartoons / Caricatures Festivals Theater / Plays Pamphlets Word of mouth
With your partner, discuss if the following song is propaganda. Does it meet all 3 of the critical attributes? If yes, how does this song attempt to appeal to your emotions, persuade, and manipulate the truth? Find at least 3 examples from the lyrics handout. 6dTQ 6dTQ
In your pods, analyze the images from the French Revolution listed on the graphic organizer Identify the technique(s) used in the images, using the terms from the handout provided How do these images convey the 3 critical attributes of propaganda? Identify what stage of the revolution the image was created, and how it evokes the spirit of that stage (was it the beginning, middle, or end of the revolution?) What is the theme of each image and who is the intended audience?
Today we will learn how propaganda was used during the French Revolution while continuing to develop our tools for analyzing images.
Please take 5 minutes to review the following from your P&T notes: Jean Paul Marat Jacques Louis David Jacobin Sans Culottes Girondins Compare your notes with your partners. Is there something they have that you don’t? If so, please add to your notes.
Please take out your graphic organizers from Thursday Please grab a computer from the computer cart From the website, in the Hum 10 Honors French Rev section, access the following reading “Art as National Propaganda during the French Revolution”
In your pods, jigsaw the following sections, taking notes as you read: 1- ‘The Fine Arts as a Medium For Reaching the Masses’ (534) 2-‘The Oath of the Tennis Court’ (537) 3- ‘Subject for the Painter’ (538) 4- ‘All in One- The Festival’ (542) When everyone has finished reading, share what you learned with each other. Take notes on each section.
Please take out your graphic organizers from Thursday In your pods, discuss the following questions: How did this article help us to understand these images? What new information did you learn that may deepen your understanding of these images? What information can you add to your graphic organizers?