Jessica Kaminski Mentor Greg Mehall – Mars Space Flight Facility NASA Space Grant Symposium Arizona State University April 18, 2009
Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity
Opportunity Launched July 7, 2003 Arrived January 25, 2004 Meridiani Planum Still operational Science instrument include: Cameras: Pan Cam Nav Cam Microscopic Imager Spectrometers Mossbauer Spectrometer Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer Grinder Rock Abrasion Tool Magnet Magnet Array
Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer ( Mini-TES)
Determine the mineralogy of the rocks and soils Determine the thermo-physical properties of selected soil patches Determine the temperature profile, dust opacity, water-ice opacity, and water vapor abundance in the atmosphere
All done using MMCC, a program in IDL
Allow scientists to easily see reference images for Mini-TES data relevant to its location on the surface of Mars
The final database includes over 300 mosaics of different sites that have over 2,000 mini-TES projections. There are two databases: Mini-TES targeted data from rocks and soil Mini-TES targeted data from systematic ground observations used in conjunction with atmospheric measurements