Marjorie A. Chan Rich New Mars Exploration Rover Data: Earth to Mars Sol 727
GOAL: Ideas to utilize Mars data to enhance undergrad learning beyond the terrestrial realm New, sense of discovery Building on terrestrial ideas Application to unknown setting Interdisciplinary Hands-on data evaluation Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Arizona State University Water in Meridiani Planum Pancam Microscopic Imager (MI) Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT)
CONCEPTS Hematite: Fe 2 O 3 Goethite: FeO(OH) Sedimentolgy, stratigraphy, diagenesis Terrestrial analog ss color + concretions -> groundwater flow, host rock properties Compare to Mars
REGIONAL SETTING Jurassic Outcrops
Grain scale 1.Reddening during early diagenesis, burial 2.Reducing fluids mobilize iron (Fe 3+ ->Fe 2+ ) 3.Concretions precipitate at oxidizing mixing front 3 step Utah model
Meridiani Planum Christiansen et al 2001 Image Credits: NASA/JPL- Caltech MER Opportunity
Utah Mars image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell Outcrop Context Eagle Crater Q: How does Fe distribution and weathering compare?
Mars Utah image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell ACCUMULATIONS Q: How do accumulations compare?
Utah Mars IN SITU DISTRIBUTION image: NASA/JPL/ Cornell Q: What does in situ distribution tell us? (Compared to other nodule deposits?)
Utah Mars image credits: NASA/JPL/Cornell DIFFERENT MORPHOLOGIES, SIZES Q: What causes different shapes? Does size matter? 5 cm Mars images: NASA/JPL/Cornell
Mars 1 cm Utah images: NASA/JPL/Cornell Eagle Crater Q: What does mineralogy tell? Internal structure? Moessbauer Spectra
Mars “Microberries” Sol 633 images: NASA/JPL/Cornell Q: Why are there small sizes?
Sol 28 images: NASA/JPL/Cornell Mars Q: Which came first : spherules or lath-like moldic porosity?
WHERE to get data? Context: Context: Google Mars Google Mars Teaching Visuals lization/collections/mars.html Teaching Visuals lization/collections/mars.html Easy: Easy: MER Mission MER Mission Press, Raw, Panorama, 3-D Press, Raw, Panorama, 3-D Harder: Harder: MER Analyst’s Notebook MER Analyst’s Notebook
Given such examples, your ideas? Ways to use data? Specific projects? Particular outcomes? Skill sets? Other?