Manuva Bolo Guru Charanam Manasa Bhajorey Guru Charanam O mankind! Constantly worship, adore and dwell at the Lotus Feet of Divine Master and sing His Divine glory to your hearts content
Sri Guru Charanam Sadguru Charanam Bow in reverence at the Lotus Feet of the Supreme Divine Preceptor (Sadguru); Guru’s feet is the only resting place where the devotees can take asylum
Sai Charana Namo Bow in reverence at the Lotus Feet of our Divine Master Lord Sai
Sri Guru Charanam Prabhu Paada Charanam The divine Guru’s lotus Feet is one and the same as the Lord’s lotus feet; Guru is the very embodiment of Divinity, the Lord Himself
Sadguru Charanam Paavana Charanam The Divine Master’s Lotus feet, so Sacred and Eternally Pure; makes us pure, destroying our impurities and granting liberation