What is NHS? National Association of Secondary School Principals (NAASP) established NHS in 1921 To recognize outstanding high school students 4 main goals: To create enthusiasm for scholarship To stimulate a desire to render service To promote leadership To develop character
JMM Chapter Requirements 3.5 GPA at end of Semester 1 of Junior Year. 30 hours of community service. 9 semesters/seasons of clubs/sports Evidence of positive character
Service Community Service has been defined as an activity that: is not paid is not for credit represents a service to the community and others club participation does not count as service. Service Clubs: regular attendance at meetings counts as club, the service associated with those clubs count as service. Documentation: Service Verification Forms: KEEP EXTRA COPIES! Must be signed by an adult supervisor of the agency
Club/Extra-Curricular The goal: to encourage students to become involved in the cultural life at JMM. We do allow, however, inclusion of outside activities that are “club-like”, i.e. regular meetings, working with other students, etc. Need to show breadth of interest, e.g.: not all sports, or not all science clubs. 9 semesters/seasons of clubs & activities
Character Assessed through teacher recommendations. No major discipline issues. Key descriptors: Moral Ethical Respectful of others Always displays academic integrity Positive behavior Respects classroom and school rules Honest & reliable
Selection Students are invited to join in February. Applications are submitted in April. List of applicants published to whole faculty & administration. Faculty Committee approves: Made up of 5 members of Faculty Senate Use a rubric to assess applications Applications with issues are brought to a vote Induction Ceremony in May