Chronology: By: Kareena Patel Caroline Lalla Hannah Bezdek Michaela Harleston
1763 Treaty of Paris ends the War for Empire (provisions?) Proclamation Line restricts colonists for settlement west of the Appalachian mountains Britain deployed a peace time army of about 10,000 men to America George Grenville became the British prime minister John Wilkes called for major reforms in the British political system British national debt doubled
1764 Currency Act passed, which banned the use of paper money and protected British merchants Sugar Act passed, which placed duty on French molasses Colonists opposed vice-admiralty courts
1765 Stamp Act imposes direct taxes on colonists, which led to the Stamp Act Congress in the colonies Quartering Act forces colonists to house, feed, and pay for British troops in America Riots by the Sons of Liberty, who were Radical Whigs Patrick Henry addressed the Virginia House of Burgesses about the new legislation Guys Fawkes Day on November 5, 1765, colonists rioted and attacked Fort Gage in New York ; collectors were forced to give up their stamps First nonimportation movement begins, and Americans began to boycott British goods
1766 Stamp Act is repealed The Declaratory Act is passed, which stated that Britain had full power and control over the colonies
1767 Townshend Act is passed, which placed duties on paper, tea, paint, and glass Restraining Act is passed, which stated that Britain could take away American colonies’ assemblies if they refused to abide by the Quartering Act The Revenue Act is revised, which tightened up the custom service