Building Utilities 3 (Architectural Acoustics) Product Presentation “ Wrapped Ceiling Baffles “
Ceiling Baffles Is a construction device which reduces the strength of airbone sound. sound baffles are a fundamental tool of moise mitigation,pollution or reverberation.
Specifications: Construction: Two Pieces of 6-7 PCF fiber core. Covering: Covered on all sides with fabric. Thickness: 2" only Standard Sizes: 4' (w) x 2' (h) and 8'(w) x 2' (h) Mounting: Vertically with D-Rings Available Colors: Guilford of Maine FR Series (white and eggshell are available at additional cost)Guilford of Maine FR Series
Sound Absorption Sound Absorption Coefficients – Sabins Per Unit - 24" x 48“ Thickness 2 –125Hz = 4.48 –250Hz = 8.00 –500Hz = –1000 Hz = –2000 Hz = –4000Hz = 16.35
End of Presentation =)