COMMON GROUNDS APRIL 19, 2012 A Win Win For All!! Marsye Kaplan, Acting Supervisor, Related Services Michele Murphy, Resource Teacher
Workshop Objectives Overview of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Provide a framework for blending familiar with new terminology Increase awareness of tools available for UDL and for differentiation of instruction for all students 2
Defining UDL 3 a scientifically valid framework for guiding educational practice that: provides flexibility in the ways information is presented, In the ways students respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills, and in the ways students are engaged
Defining UDL 4 a scientifically valid framework for guiding educational practice that: reduces barriers in instruction, provides appropriate accommodations, supports, and challenges, and maintains high achievement expectations for all students, including students with disabilities and students who are limited English proficient
UDL at a Glance 5
Universal Design For Learning (UDL) 6 children with disabilities do not constitute a separate category, but fall along a continuum of learning differences leads us to make adjustments for learner differences for all students, not just those with disabilities curriculum materials are varied, diverse, multiple, digital and online
Multiple Means of Representation 7
Multiple Means of Engagement 8
Multiple Means of Action and Expression 9
11 Instruction Multiple choices Content Process Product UDL Multiple means Representation Engagement Action and Expression Instruction and Universal Design for Learning Blending, Collaborating, Coordinating
Content/ Connection to State Standards 13 colonies Teaching StrategiesTechnology Tools 1 Technology Tools 2 Process Representation How we teach/give information Textbook to read (various levels, digital, online, read aloud by reader or to the student-digital) Video-Safari Montage Online databases for resources Role-play PowerPoint Have materials available on school/class Wiki for review Podcast the presentations (differentiation of the content) Digital textbook Safari Montage PowerPoint Wiki Podcast Engagement Work alone Group work By offering appropriate level of information Reflection Product Action/Expression How learner demonstrates his or her new knowledge Oral report Video Written essay Podcast Painting Diorama Monitoring progress Video podcast Description of lesson including UDL strategies and those identified to meet the student’s individual needs. 12
13 UDL Resources
Traditional Grade 6 World Cultures Curriculum Lesson 15 To introduce students to the concept of culture, conduct a class discussion on people and culture. Ask : How many people do you think there are in the world? (Inform students of the current population obtained from (July 2008). How many students believe that everyone on the planet lives the same way? Differentiate the process by displaying the InspireData database titled “Population Growth.”
16 Consider…UDL Guidelines: Principle 1 Provide Multiple Means of Representation Checkpoint 2.5: Illustrate Through Multiple Media Searchcube
Traditional Grade 4 Science Curriculum Lesson 17 Students will create a model of the moon, sun, and Earth in order to identify the phases of the moon. Activity: Students use information gained from the reading to label the eight moon phases in the chart on page 31. For students requiring additional support, provide pictures of the phases of the moon and vocabulary word cards. Have students cut and paste, in lieu of labeling, to create a visual representation of the phases of the moon.
18 Consider… UDL Guidelines: Principle II Provide Multiple Means for Action and Expression Checkpoint 4.2: Provide varied ways to interact with materials
A Search Revealed Many Choices 19
Interactive Choice Can Be Made Available 20
Traditional High School English Curriculum 21 The students will be able to summarize key information from a BrainPop clip in order to gain knowledge regarding The Odyssey and Greek gods. The student will be able to explore beliefs about poetry in order to compose a poem expressing perceptions of poetry.
22 Consider… UDL Guidelines: Principle III Provide Multiple Means for Engagement Checkpoint 7.1: Increase individual choice and autonomy
Engage Students Through Exploration 23
24 Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water! Don’t Throw the Baby Out With the Bathwater!!!
Windows 7 Ease of Access 25 Magnifier On-screen keyboard Speech recognition Start/all programs/accessories/Ease of Access
Microsoft: Readability Statistics 26
Microsoft: AutoSummarize 27
28 Microsoft Word AutoSummarize and Readability Statistics
District/School-Wide Web-Based Resources 31 Library Information Services Databases Web 2.0 resources Instruction Technology
Maryland Public TV
Really Cool Resources!! 33 Wiki Blog
LiveBinders 34 Pandora’s Box- Common Ground Preconference ATIA Session/Beth Poss/Mo Buti
AMAZING UDL RESOURCES! 35 nks/id ?mt=8 MSDE UDL Link App 1/files/Route_for_Every_ Learner_Report_NSG_ pdf
UDL Highlights 36
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