Acceleration acceleration is said to have occurred when an intellectually gifted young person graduates from school three or more years earlier than the usual age.
teachers should: know the subject; expect excellence; learn from and listen to students; teach with a sense of humor; possess mental flexibility; and draw upon a variety of teaching strategies. Gifted means performing or demonstrating the potential for performing at significantly higher levels of accomplishment in one or more academic fields due to intellectual ability, when compared to others of similar age, experience or environment.
Questions??? do we have to wait for our child to develop concrete operations (the new mental abilities that emerge around the age of 5 to 7 and that enable young children to engage in the kind of reasoning required by formal instruction)? Why can't we teach them these operations earlier?
The Answer many animals go through the early stages more rapidly than do infants, but they never go as far. In effect, achieving a certain level of intelligence early may preclude moving on to higher levels. With respect to intelligence, an early start can mean a lower finish. Piaget
The purposes of acceleration as a practice with the gifted are 1) to adjust the pace of instruction to the students’ capability in order to develop a sound work ethic, 2) to provide an appropriate level of challenge in order to avoid the boredom from repetitious learning, and 3) to reduce the time period necessary for students to complete traditional schooling.
Benefits/Advantages Of Acceleration motivating them toward schooling enhancing their involvement with extracurricular activities promoting more challenging options preparing them to begin contributing to society at an earlier age self-confidence independence Maturity Gain interest
Disadvantages Of Acceleration missing social opportunities at school. Teased for their young age. Underachievment (without monitoring) burn out lose interest suffer from large gaps in their academic or social knowledge
However, despite these concerns, the great majority of students report that the social and emotional benefits of acceleration far outweigh any negative effects.
So… Do you think acceleration is important???? Do we have this kind of program in malaysia??? early entrance/ grade skipping
Some Factors That influence the Successful Of Acceleration 1) Planning should focus on a student’s individual needs (Individualised Acceleration Planning) 2) Involving the student in educational planning 3)Programmers need to be flexible (A Flexible Approach to Teaching and Learning) 4)Timelines related to the decision 5)Personal characteristics of the student (passionate about learning in at least one subject area)
Factors that enhance the success of acceleration practices include positive attitudes of teachers (Supportive Educators) parental support (Supportive Family) careful monitoring of the implementation.. Programming to Support the Affective Needs of Students. Opportunities to Develop Skills for Advanced Study. Counsellors can provide important social and emotional support and can offer academic and career advice.. Mentors can act as role models and can provide invaluable learning experiences.
Types Of Acceleration early school entry, subject acceleration, grade skipping, curriculum compacting and curriculum telescoping.
Enrichment/pengayaan Merujuk kepada penyediaan kaedah pengajaran yang berbeza bagi merangsang pengetahuan sedia ada atau menambah pengetahuan baru pelajar dan menjadikan pelajar lebih memahami tentang apa yang diajar dan dialami. Program pengayaan memerlukan pelajar menggunakan kebolehan kognitif pada peringkat tinggi dengan menggunakan kaedah metakognitif. Program pengayaan membabitkan isi kandungan yang meluas dan mendalam dan mencabar minda pelajar
Program pengayaan yang baik memerlukan:- Tenaga Masa Usaha Sumber Dan komitmen yang tinggi
Bentuk program pengayaan yang biasa Tuition Summer program Study group Tutor tutee
Bentuk/kaedah program pengayaan yang lebih advance 1.Kajian bebas Pelajar menjalankan projek kajian yang terarah. Yang mana projek dirancang dengan teliti dan diawasi oleh guru secara sistematik.
2. Metakognitif/penggunaan pemikiran pada tahap tertinggi - guru menyediakan beberapa aktiviti dalam topik yang sama yang memberi peluang kepada setipa pelajar melibatkan diri pada tahap yang sesuai dengan kebolehan inteleknya. - pelajaran yang mudah biasanya membosankan pelajar pintar cerdas.
3. Program ceramah - penceramah diundang untuk menyampaikan maklumat yang lebih luas dan mendalam daripada apa yang dapat disampaikan oleh guru. 4. Program mentor -pakar rujuk yang boleh memberi tunjuk ajar,nasihat dan bimbingan. -boleh berbincang mengenai bidang yang saling diminati.
5. Bahan peringkat tertinggi - bahan bacaan - teknologi/ict 6. Program guru penasihat - guru bilik darjah menyediakan pelajaran yang berbeza dalam kelas biasa dengan bantuan guru penasihat dan guru pembantu.
7. Pendidikan kerjaya jadikan pelajar pintar cerdas sebagai perantis dengan pekerja profesional dalam bidang yang diminati. 8. Program pertukaran pelajar 9. Program pendidikan antarabangsa
Primary Computer Enrichment Programme (Primary 4 & 5) Chinese Language Camp (Primary 5) Creative Writing Camp (Primary 5) Elevating Concepts by Changing Mindsets (E=C2M) (Primary 5) Learning Journey to the Subordinate Courts (Primary 6) Advanced Mathematics Enrichment Classes (selected Primary 6 pupils) Mathematics Enrichment Camp (selected Primary 6 pupils) Mathematics Masterclass (PM2) (selected Primary 4 and 5 pupils) Mathematics Trail (Primary 5) Traffic Statistics and Supermarket Visit (Primary 4) Computer Enrichment ProgrammeChinese Language CampCreative Writing CampElevating Concepts by Changing Mindsets (E=C2M)Learning Journey to the Subordinate CourtsAdvanced Mathematics Enrichment ClassesMathematics Enrichment CampMathematics MasterclassMathematics TrailTraffic Statistics and Supermarket Visit
Secondary Chinese Language Camp (Secondary 1) Chinese Language Creative Writing Programme (Secondary 1 - 3) Computer Programming Course (Secondary 1) English Public Speaking Competitions (Secondary 2) Literature Seminar (Secondary 2 & 3) Mathematics Active Day (Secondary 1) Mathematics Enrichment Camp (Secondary 2) Mathematics Seminar (Secondary 3 & 4) Specialised Multimedia Camp (Secondary 2 & 3)Chinese Language CampChinese Language Creative Writing ProgrammeComputer Programming CourseEnglish Public Speaking CompetitionsLiterature SeminarMathematics Active DayMathematics Enrichment CampMathematics SeminarSpecialised Multimedia Camp
Content Enrichment The GEP curriculum extends beyond the basic syllabus in depth and breadth covers more advanced topics whenever necessary. caters more to individual needs and interest. makes interdisciplinary connections. encourages the investigation of real-life problems. promotes the examination of affective issues in the various subject areas
Process Enrichment The GEP curriculum develops higher level thinking skills provides opportunities for discovery and experiential learning provides for open-ended problem solving teaches research skills for independent study uses varied teaching strategies to cater to different learning styles provides for small group activities
Product Enrichment The GEP curriculum encourages modes of presentations beyond traditional assignments provides for creative expressions reflects real-world variety values authentic learning
Learning Environment The GEP curriculum provides a supportive and learner-centred environment supports risk-taking provides a stimulating physical environment provides out-of-school learning experiences e.g. field trips and community involvement programmes provides out-of-school extensions e.g. mentorship attachments in collaboration with tertiary institutions