Leader+ Observatory Conference: ‘Leader achievements: a diversity of territorial experience’ November 2007, Évora/Portugal Comprehensive report on four (mini) plenary sessions: Portugal, Poland, Swedend, United Kingdom Jean-Pierre Vercruysse European Commission
Achievements Scottish Borders Method: definition of “Innovation areas” (and not sectorial) as a way of integrating projects. Wood, Water, Land, Culture. Innovation group meetings (all stakeholders): 156 ideas of projects, 83 projects led by 55 organisations. Difficulty: to keep people involved Mainstream: Capacity of the LAG to integrate other policies as they appear Example: Social Justice and Sustainability Results: many quantitative indicators of success + increased cohesion (= capacity building + networking)
Achievements Smaland Method : network of local partnerships in each municipality + involvement of the 3 sectors (public, private, volunteer) Strategy: focused on 3 sectors representing the economic history of the area (hardwood, crystal, aluminium). Support for businesses in those sectors (including access to foreign markets, via branding etc), with an element of design Results: 94 projects, quantitative goals (jobs,..) largely overtaken at mid-term already. Massive capacity building in project development Creation of networks and “clusters” between local actors and public authorities
Achievements Kujawsko-pomorskie Village Renewal programme in 2002 created 30 local groups (village level) 2005, creation of the (informal) local partnership training of 172 rural leaders strategy focused on the Notec river and valley prepared vision: “a good place to live, worth a visit” Leader+ started with a small budget in Feb 2007 16 projects foreseen (walking, cycling and boating routes; culinary contest, …) LAG has a network of 15 village associations
Achievements Monte Method: Network of 4 Rural Intervention Offices (unification of 4 local development associations) Decentralised “animation” technically supported by the LAG coordinator own way of working and establishing the most appropriate partnerships Strategy 5 axis and goals well beyond Leader (EQUAL, …) Rural development, Citizenship, Social inclusion, Environment and cooperation Results: 300 projects (Leader 2 and +), 140 jobs, total investment of over 9 mil Euro since 1996 Leader allowed a diversification of economic activities, what would not have been possible in its absence Centre for study of bird life, an NGO developing a set of activities around the preservation of birds in the Alentejo region
Difficulties, risks Partnership: Three-Tiers partnership is difficult (but also the richest approach) Difficult to engage young people in local partnerships (emigration, ageing population, etc.) Leader is a challenge for power, there is a risk to disturb the national/regional bureaucracy Continuity: More funding must come before the end of the partnership The need for a new strategy before the projects have reached maturity and maybe sustainability (no serious assessment possible) Governance: The local animators are in the place, but there is no relay at regional level Mainstreaming, : Can damage the capacity of the programme to adjust to local needs. LAG will not have access to Axis 1 and 2 funding.
Key messages Method: Use “Innovation groups” as a method to focus partners from all backgrounds (takes time, you need results) There is a need of project management for more capitalisation of the method Local proximity (network of decentralised offices) is a key factor for getting results the local managers know the local conditions (and politics) The experimentation of a “participative methodology” should be obligatory in regional policy areas Strategy: Leader is a tool to achieve local goals, but these have to be clearly defined (strategy, vision) The LAG must have a capacity to intervene beyond the Leader programme Results: People have learned to cooperate and have been given faith in the capacity for development they saw that something was happening Sustainability: Comes from the involvement of the private sector in project management and the provision of funding by them
Cooperation, networking Why to cooperate? Cooperation projects are linked with the strategy (wood, fashion schools) Who is involved? Trans-national cooperation (TNC): contacts established under Leader II, it has brought both: know-how and know-who Meetings of TNC projects were open to the local partnerships and not just the co-founders What are they doing? Inter-territorial cooperation (ITC): priority in common actions with complementarities across adjacent territories (signposting, river management, …) or critical mass (Pro Regoes) TNC: They are more about exchange, learning, transfer How does it work? Management of TNC / ITC projects very complicated due to varying procedures (co-funding, claims, monitoring) and calendars in MS and Regions elect a coordinating LAG and agree on claims/monitoring procedures at the very beginning Difficulty is to keep everybody involved since they cannot all participate in the trans-national exchanges Which results does it bring? ITC: common action means more activity locally TNC: exchange of ideas, “softer” output (capacity)
Networking National and regional networking was intensive LAGs have common background and often a tradition of working together since Leader II Thematic networking should have been more developed example of EQUAL Little else happened Many visits from new territories (EU 10+2) Participation to the conferences