The Odyssey Timeline
The Travels of Odysseus
The Odyssey – Timeline 1. Odysseus and his men raid the Cicones. 2. They arrive at the Land of the Lotus Eaters. 3. Odysseus blinds Polyphemus. 4. Aeolus gives Odysseus the bag of winds. 5. Odysseus nearly reaches Ithaca. 6. The Laistrygones destroy 11 ships. 7. Circe turns the crew into swine. 8. Odysseus vists Tiresias in the Underworld. 9. Odysseus's ship passes the Sirens.
The Odyssey – Timeline 10. Odysseus passes between Scylla and Charybdis. 11. The crew slaughters Helios' cattle. 12. Zeus kills everyone but Odysseus. 13. Odysseus arrives on Calypso's island. 14. Telemachus joins Odysseus and Eumeus on Ithaca. Disguised as a beggar, Odysseus visits the palace. 15. Penelope proposes bow competition. Still disguised, Odysseus wins the competition. 16. Odysseus reveals himself to suitors and Penelope. With Athena's help, Odysseus kills all suitors. 17. Odysseus reassumes his throne. Penelope finally accepts Odysseus.