{ Unlocking the Mysteries of ERB’s CTP 4 Parent Reports
A Primary Grade Parent Report
Your Achievement Results will look like this:
A Norm Group is a group of schools with whom we compare our students
Our Administration uses the ‘Independent Schools’ Norm Group to determine if we are making progress
Stanines are divided into three groups: Below Average Average Above Average Below Average Average Above Average
If your child has a stanine below 4, your child’s teacher will be aware that they may need help in that area.
The grey bar indicates the average % correct The diamond is your child’s % correct
Diamonds above the grey bar are your child’s strengths
The tests are in red with their categories beneath them
A diamond below 25% is an area your child needs to work on. This student did not have any scores below 25%.
Students who have just completed Grades 1-6: Grammar School Office (512) ext. 112 Grammar School Office (512) ext. 112 Students who have just completed Grades 7-8: Dr. Dan Peterson (512) ext. 126 Who to Contact for Help