Isabella Pagano
Xsfòerf Sdfr Aswe Padova, 18 Nov 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT
PLATO-IT Wiki WebHome WebHome Action items WBS PLATO-IT open Work in progress Address given, waiting for instructions Padova, 18 Nov 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT
Lists ready PLATO-IT-ALL: All PLATO-IT-TLS: telescope group PLATO-IT-ICU: ICU group PLATO-IT-SCI: Science group PLATO-IT-WPR : WP responsibles (as in the WBS in the ASI contract) PLATO-IT-RLOC: Local site responsibles PLATO-IT-ASI: ASI people Activated ?? Padova, 18 Nov 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT
Utilizzato oggi….. Aggiustamenti …. ??????? Padova, 18 Nov 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT
All document used in the framework of Plato is referenced as follows: PLATO-AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-NNNN Where: PLATO is the project name and is invariant, AAAA is the Laboratory code, on 3 or 4 characters, as specified in the table 1, BBBB is the System/sub-system code, on 2, 3 or 4 characters, as specified in the table 2, CCCC is the Document Type code, on 3 or 4 characters, as specified in the table 3, NNNN is a Sequential Number, beginning at 1000 (?). Padova, 18 Nov 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT
Padova, 18 Nov 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT
Padova, 18 Nov 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT
Padova, 18 Nov 2008I. Pagano - INAF OACT