Providing Feedback and Removing Barriers Session 4, October 2014 NTI
2 Learning Targets I can develop growth-producing feedback that supports teaching of specific, priority standards. I can identify strategies that support change organizationally.
3 Two Sides of Our Brain
Shaping the Path 4
5 How can feedback that is specific to standards shape the path?
Crafting Feedback for Change Craft feedback that will direct and motivate: Script the critical moves (to get to standard) Point to the destination (what it looks like) Find the feeling (why it’s important) Shrink the change (what the steps are) Grow your people (we are a school that…) 6
Crafting Feedback, Cont. Feedback should: Be aligned to the SAP Core Practices Include no more than 2 items of focus 7
Share Feedback One partner shares while the other listens and then gives feedback. Then, switch roles. Feedback: Praise Question Suggestion 8
Summarize Learning What have you learned about giving feedback on a standard and using evidence guides as tools? 9
Working With Standards, Step 1 10 Find the standard assessed on the curriculum map
Working With Standards, Step 2 11 Find the assessment where the standard is assessed.
Working With Standards, Step 3 12 Read the assessments for that unit.
Working With Standards, Step 4 13 Read the lessons that build up to the assessment to get a sense of scaffolding.
Observing a Lesson Standards addressed in video lesson: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.2 Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.2 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3.2 Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3.2 Turn and Talk: What should you do to prepare for this observation? 14
Collecting Observation Notes 15 Collect your observation notes Pay close attention to: Core practices from Evidence Guide Analysis of Standard
Share Out 16 Students were expected to…I noticed students were… Recount stories Determine central message Explain how central message is conveyed through key details in the text Determine the main ideas and details of a text read aloud Practice standards RL 4.2 and SL 4.2
Role Play Feedback Diad 17 Find a partner. One will first play role of principal and the other will be the teacher. You will then swap. Offer feedback in form of: Praise Question Suggestion
Organizational Change 18 Tweaking the environment is about making the right behavior a little bit easier, and the wrong behaviors a little bit harder.
Building New Habits 22
Rally the Herd 23
Learning Targets Self Assessment 24 I can interpret the meaning of a grade-specific standard, discriminating it from the same standard at other grade levels. I can describe effective teaching of a specific standard (with support from ELA Instructional Practice Guides). I can analyze classroom practice for its effectiveness and alignment to the Common Core. I can develop growth-producing feedback that supports teaching of specific, priority standards. I can identify strategies that support change organizationally.
Thank You 25