Identifying Elements of Change Principal Session 3
2 Live NTI We will be live tweeting throughout the week! Follow us: Join in the fun and use this hashtag: #NTIny
3 Purpose of this Session Participants will be guided to identify evidence of student thinking in their classrooms; In turn, participants will identify classrooms where teachers are intentional in their planning for student thinking.
4 Student Engagement in YOUR Buildings Share from previous session: Think about a classroom where teachers are being intentional in their planning for student thinking (bright spot). What does that look like? Teacher behaviors Student behaviors
How Can We Replicate? DirectMotivateShape 5
Direct Follow the bright spots Script the critical moves Point to the destination 6 What does your destination post card look like for active student engagement? Heath & Heath (2010) Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard
Motivate Find the feeling Shrink the change Grow your people 7 “Any change that violates a person’s identity is likely doomed to failure.” Heath & Heath (2010) Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard p. 154
Shape Tweak the environment Build habits Rally the herd 8 What’s in your checklist? Heath & Heath (2010) Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard
Activity Using previous video(s) and observances of ELA teachers in your school, list instructional moves that support the Speaking and Listening Standard. What are examples of corresponding student engagement? 9
10 Q & A
11 Discussion and Reflection On a scale of 1 – 5, with 1 being the lowest, what is your school’s comfort level with implementing the ELA CCSS?
Online Parking Lot network-team-institute-materials- october