Innovation through participation EduGAIN policy (working draft) Status update REFEDs 30th May 2010
Innovation through participation eduGAIN project in general Purpose of eduGAIN, (a.k.a. GÉANT3 Service Activity 3, Task 3) Create a confederation interconnect existing federations Timeline 4/2010 technical pre-pilot started 10/2010 pilot starts 4/2011 production starts, policy signed 4/2013project ends For details, listen to TNC speak on Wednesday Task leader: Valter Nordh Policy sub-task: Mikael Linden
Innovation through participation Proposed eduGAIN bodies NREN PC As defined by Geant network and project Technical Steering Group (TSG) On delegate from each participant federation Operational Team (OT) Daily technical issues
Innovation through participation Proposed eduGAIN Policy structure 1. Agreement (joining federations sign) 2. Constitution (NREN PC approves/changes) 3. Profiles and other supplementing documents (NREN PC or TSG approves/changes)
Innovation through participation 1. Agreement Joining federation signs Unilateral declaration where joining federation commits to the terms
Innovation through participation 2. Constitution Eligibility to join GN3 project partners Other federations if approved by NREN PC Requirements for joining federations Primarily from research and education Ensure Providers conform to policy Provide helpdesk Incident handling
Innovation through participation 2. Policy Enforcement In case of a severe policy violation, OT issues a notice to the TSG, or propose to NREN PC a temporary quarantine period, or propose to NREN PC a disqualification of the participant federation from the confederation.
Innovation through participation 2. Other issues Branding: leave the door open for eduID Audits: No audits for federations or IdPs Profiles supplementing the constitution NREN PC approves, if REQUIRED TSG approves, if RECOMMENDED or OPTIONAL
Innovation through participation 3. Technical profiles Metadata profile (REQUIRED) A SAML2 metadata profile SAML 2.0 profile (RECOMMENDED) ver 0.2 ?
Innovation through participation 3. Attribute syntax and semantics important RECOMMENDED webSSO attribute profile RECOMMENDED attributes (cn, mail, eP(S)A, schacHomeOrganization, schacHomeOrganizationType) ePA semantics (if needed, define a new attribute) SAML2 persistentID RECOMMENDED ePPN MAY be used
Innovation through participation 3. Data Protection OPTIONAL data protection profile Helps to conform to directive 95/46/EC on data protection SPs have two categories: PII and non-PII Defines IdPs’ and SPs’ coordinated functionality For minimal disclosure, informing the end user, legal grounds for processing, release to 3rd countries… Relies on SAML2 metadata tags
Innovation through participation 3. Quality of IdP-side Identity management IdPs must ensure that attributes released are up-to-date (some interest in expressing Level of Assurance in the assertion)
Innovation through participation Got interested? Provide your comments Face to face By mail to In our vc every second Thursday at CEST on The next one is in 10th June