for Research Paper on: Sample-Queen Elizabeth Name: Gina Mackey Date: March 26, 2014 Class: English III Teacher: Gina Mackey
Source #: Enter the MLA citation for the source below.
Copy and paste 1 piece of information from the source in the box below: Summarize, in your own words, what the information in the box above is saying: Source #: Topic: Note card #: Subtopic:
Source #: 1 Enter the MLA citation for the source below. “Elizabeth I.” BBC. BBC, Web. 26 Mar
Copy and paste 1 piece of information from the source in the box below: “Elizabeth, the last Tudor monarch, was born in Greenwich on 7 September 1533.” Summarize, in your own words, what the information in the box above is saying: -Born 9/7/1533 in Greenwich -was last Tudor to rule England Queen Elizabeth came into the world on September 7, 1533 in Greenwich. She was the last Tudor to rule England. Source #: 1Topic: Queen Elizabeth Note card #: 1Subtopic: Childhood
Source #: 2 Enter the MLA citation for the source below. “Elizabeth I (r ).” The Official Website of the British Monarchy. The Royal Household, Web. 26 Mar elizabethi.aspx