SLIDE 1 Title of the project Member 1 ( Reg. No) Member 2 ( Reg. No) Member 3 ( Reg. No) Place : Duration : Half sem/ Full sem Guide Internal/External with Designation :
SLIDE 2 OBJECTIVE This is a one or two sentence statement describing about your project What are the deliverables?
SLIDE-3 COMMUNITY NEED How did the team became aware of the need? Benefits of addressing the need to Project Members Those served by the project partner The greater society
SLIDE 4 & 5 LITERATURE SURVEY What research has been done into currently available solutions What else is out there that can/is used to address this problem Identify some standard journal paper or International Conference Paper as a base paper.
SLIDE 6 & 7 Proposed Solution Block Diagram
SLIDE 8 – TECHNOLOGY USED What device, tool, or process is the project partner currently using and how is it being used? Need of the technology ? Work schedule or Project Plan
SLIDE 9 References in IEEE Format
SLIDE 10 Thank You