Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Environment Comparing and contrasting the school environments in different countries. Consideration of how we depend on our school environment for various reasons Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? The size and population of a country affects all aspects of society, education is no exception. School life in different countries can differ significantly to school life in the UK. MYP unit question How is school life in China different to your school life in the UK? Unit title: 学校 School
今天的目标: Talk about what subjects you learn and when you have them 今天的话题:你学什么?
xué to learn 学
N ǐ xué f ǎ wén ma? Do you study French? 你学法文吗? N ǐ xué dì l ǐ ma? Do you study Geography? 你学地理吗? N ǐ x ǐ huan xué shén me? You like to learn what? 你喜欢学什么?
听 Listen to Xiaolong talk about the lessons he has each morning. Fill in the table with the letter of the correct subject. EXT: Can you fill in the table in English without using your book? What is the key verb used to talk about lessons? 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五 F, B, G Maths English History A, J, H Chinese Music Geography F, C, E Maths French Science G, I, B History P.E English E, D, A Science German Chinese
y ǒ u to have 有
Shuffle sentences Can you re-arrange the characters to make the following sentences? 一。 I like Chinese lessons, also like Maths lessons. 三。 My sister studies French and German, she also studies English. 六。 On Thursdays I have German, don’t have Maths, I extremely like German lessons. 二。 I most like History lessons, most dislike Music lessons. 五。 On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays I have Chinese lessons. 四。 On Mondays I have P.E., Geography and Science lessons. 一。我喜欢中文课, 也喜欢数学课。 二。我最喜欢历史课, 最不喜欢音乐课。 三。我妹妹学法文和德文, 她也学英文。 四。我星期一有体育课,地里课和科学课。 五。星期二,星期三和星期五我有中文课。 六。我星期四有德文课,没有数学课,我非常喜欢德文课。
说 Try to be the first person to guess your partner’s timetable by asking questions about the lessons they have each day. Q. 星期一你有中文吗? A. 星期一我有 / 没有中文。