SCT week: 14th - 16th Dec 04 Spine progress R. Bates University of Glasgow
SCT week: 14th - 16th Dec 04 Spines produced at IHEP AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSept.Oct.Nov. Outer Middle Inner Total Total% of orderTo make ISTCInc. new order Outer Middle Inner Overall
SCT week: 14th - 16th Dec 04 Spines to be produced at IHEP Dec. 04Jan. 05Feb. 05March 05 Outer Middle7667 Inner Total Inners of extra order required before ISTC finished, therefore IHEP will make extra inners early
SCT week: 14th - 16th Dec 04 Shipments from CERN Fall in Nov due to late delivery of shipment Nov + Dec = 194, all from IHEP November shipment Average per month since July (inc) –Outer : 77 –Middle : 59 –Inner : 42 –Total : 178
SCT week: 14th - 16th Dec 04 Cumulative total So far supply keeping up with demand – Just! –Very tight over Christmas period (CERN closed) –Extra mid-month delivery will ease delivery situation Totals: Outer:876 Middle:535 Inner:408 (note includes INTAS spines)
SCT week: 14th - 16th Dec 04 Yield Yield as observed at production sites (from database) –Outer88% –Middle92% –Inner84% Many causes –Bow is now rare, as is spacer damage in transit Far-end washer size now checked at Geneva –Occasionally Oversized (2.01mm) but appears un-damaged! Worried that quality will be affected at CERN due to extra work load caused by late shipments
SCT week: 14th - 16th Dec 04 Supply Delays in shipping from Moscow a serious problem with schedule Delay of 14 days in last shipment –Some spines delivered by hand but IHEP not keen on this –Adds extra work load on CERN based technician Added extra shipments to ISTC contract to allow 2 shipments per month Attempts being made to convey urgency of shipping problem to ISTC via senior management.
SCT week: 14th - 16th Dec 04 New Order All TPG required has been delivered ISTC contract adjusted to allow extra shipments (another 5 to go) ISTC contract adjusted to purchase extra ceramics Spine assembly contract in process of being signed –Work progresses regardless of slight delay