I-COADS Data and Products Steven J. Worley Scott D. Woodruff Richard W. Reynolds
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 2 Topics BackgroundBackground StatusStatus PlansPlans
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 3 Background Three-way collaboration since 1981Three-way collaboration since 1981 Partner organizations and PI’sPartner organizations and PI’s –NOAA/NCDC, (Dick Reynolds, Joe Elms) –NOAA/CDC, (Scott Woodruff) –NSF/NCAR, (Steven Worley) U.S. Government and startU.S. Government and start Now, International-COADS (I-COADS)Now, International-COADS (I-COADS)
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 4 Current Status, Release 2.0 DM Archive RT Archive Million Observation Records
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 5 Current Status, Release 2.0 WWI and WWII 100K per year,
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 6 Data Availability ObservationsObservations –NCAR binary formatted archive is online binary formatted archive is online ASCII format available by online requestASCII format available by online request –Select region –Select time –Select variables –Select quality flags and options –Delayed mode delivery via pull FTP
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 7 Data Availability, NCAR
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 8 Data Availability ObservationsObservations –CDC Derived from NCEP GTSDerived from NCEP GTS 1991-current, online, ASCII1991-current, online, ASCII Updated monthlyUpdated monthly Only Basic VariablesOnly Basic Variables Primary UsagePrimary Usage –Extend I-COADS to near real-time
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 9 Data Availability Monthly StatisticsMonthly Statistics –1°x1°, –2°x2°, 1800 – 2002 –NCAR Access equivalent to observationsAccess equivalent to observations –Full binary format archive is online –ASCII format with subset selection capability Very popular user interfaceVery popular user interface
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 10 Data Availability, NCAR
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 11 Data Availability Monthly StatisticsMonthly Statistics –CDC I-COADS 1° and 2° netCDF format filesI-COADS 1° and 2° netCDF format files –Through 1997 now, to be updated through ° extension based on NCEP GTS2° extension based on NCEP GTS –ASCII current –NetCDF current
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 12 Data Availability Monthly StatisticsMonthly Statistics –CDC, Live Access Server (LAS), Public Debut Interactive interfaceInteractive interface Database – CDC I-COADS netCDF archiveDatabase – CDC I-COADS netCDF archive –To be updated through 2002 soon visualizevisualize subset variables, choose output file formatsubset variables, choose output file format compare (difference) data gridscompare (difference) data grids
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 13 Data Availability, CDC LAS, Constraints Interface
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 14 Data Availability, CDC LAS, Output Options Choose Option 2 Graphic NetCDF 2 ASCII 2 Spreadsheet GIS
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 15 Data Availability, CDC LAS, 1° 01/1970 SST Median
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 16 Data Availability, CDC LAS, 1°, SST Median, Jan.1983 – Jan.1989, Niño – Niña difference
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 17 Data Availability Advanced Products and AnalysesAdvanced Products and Analyses –New Adaptive QC trimming Monthly SST, 2°x2°, Monthly SST, 2°x2°, A few detailsA few details –Authors: Tom Smith (NCDC), Xiao-Wei Quan (CDC) –Observational outliers are trimmed according to a reference climatology that varies with the climate signal –See link for other details and publication references Access from NCAR, binary or ASCII (subsets)Access from NCAR, binary or ASCII (subsets)
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 18 Data Availability, Adaptive QC SST Original Trimming via fix climate Adaptive Trimming via varying climate Decembers , 8-2S, 80-88W, Red = Trimmed Observations
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 19 Data Availability Advanced Products and AnalysesAdvanced Products and Analyses –Extended Reconstructed SST and SLP Authors Tom Smith and Dick Reynolds (NCDC)Authors Tom Smith and Dick Reynolds (NCDC) Monthly SLP, 2°x2°, Global, Monthly SLP, 2°x2°, Global, –Land and Ocean Access from NCDC, ASCII format Access from NCDC, ASCII format Monthly SST, 2°x2°, Global, , continuing Monthly SST, 2°x2°, Global, , continuing
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 20 Plans Transitioning archive to IMMA formatTransitioning archive to IMMA format –International Marine Meteorological Archive (IMMA) –Why? IMMA is an ASCII format – easier to use?IMMA is an ASCII format – easier to use? Gaining acceptance by WMO – JCOMM Expert Team for Marine ClimatologyGaining acceptance by WMO – JCOMM Expert Team for Marine Climatology Encourage I-COADS data contributors to use itEncourage I-COADS data contributors to use it –Insures accuracy from data providers –Easier to grow I-COADS Well documented, and proven successfulWell documented, and proven successful –Project examples: CLIWOC, RT at NCDC, NCEP GTS
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 21 Plans, IMMA Basic format conceptsBasic format concepts Core segment – fixed lengthOriginal data attachments+ Historical data GTS data Special formats Aux. QC info. Working Principles Core segment All commonly used variables Fixed length ASCII (108 characters) Alone will be sufficient for most users Original data attachments Contains special fields not in Core Can be used to improve, repair, and recreate Core Great format for: an irreplaceable data archive ensure easy software access (ascii based)
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 22 Plans, Real-time data for I-COADS Observations from NCDCObservations from NCDC –Features Based on NCDC GTS data streamBased on NCDC GTS data stream Web and FTP accessWeb and FTP access Pilot activation date: September 2004Pilot activation date: September 2004 –Fast access b/c database system Will include the full historical archiveWill include the full historical archive –Preparation so far Cross-checks NCDC GTS and NCEP GTS streamsCross-checks NCDC GTS and NCEP GTS streams – show good agreement and mutual accuracy
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 23 Plans, Real-time I-COADS data Steps beyond real-time data provisionSteps beyond real-time data provision –Archive two GTS data streams –Compute Monthly Statistics CDC –Lag time ~ 1 month Benefit:Benefit: –More complete records –Standard QC –Standard format Currently not high priorityCurrently not high priority
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 24 Plans, Future data Inclusions Details given by Scott Woodruff in a presentation for 150 th CelebrationDetails given by Scott Woodruff in a presentation for 150 th Celebration Light overview hereLight overview here
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 25 Polish Baltic: ; 360K US Navy Hourly: ; 3M UK Marine Data Bank: Japanese Whaling Data: ; 30K Japanese Kobe (2003 ed.): ; 3.2M Arctic Drift Stations: U.S. Meteorological Journals: ;1.8M Arctic Norwegian Data: ; 125K Fully digitized components to be added to I-COADS
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 26 Ukrainian Hydrometeorological: Russian R/V Marine: ; 4-6M US Lightship Data: recent German Data: ; 30K CLIWOC: ; 300K Partly digitized components to be added to I-COADS
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 27 German Maury Collection: ; K Undigitized component to be added to I-COADS
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 28 Plans, Future data Inclusions Early access to new data sourcesEarly access to new data sources –Availability before merge into I-COADS Termed “add on” datasetTermed “add on” dataset –Features Data are subjected to climate trimmingData are subjected to climate trimming In an I-COADS formatIn an I-COADS format Unique and important dataUnique and important data –E.g. Kobe Observatory and CLIWOC data From NCARFrom NCAR
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 29 Plans, Web Status and Developments New “Data and Metadata Page”New “Data and Metadata Page” –New look Organized by data productsOrganized by data products –Eliminated the CDC/NCAR/NCDC structure I-COADS metadataI-COADS metadata –Software and documentation –Graphics and figures to show I-COADS inventories –Ship metadata – Pub47 ( ) Most products mentioned here are linked to this page.Most products mentioned here are linked to this page.
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 30 Plans, Web Status and Developments “Related Data and Resources”“Related Data and Resources” –Links to Projects and Organizations VOSCLIMVOSCLIM CLIWOCCLIWOC JCOMMJCOMM –Links to Associated Data JISAO Climatologies (Mitchell UW)JISAO Climatologies (Mitchell UW) –1° global Extended Reconstructed Analyses (NCDC)Extended Reconstructed Analyses (NCDC) Grow this area, link more projects and data
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 31 Conclusions I-COADS is international update available now Many access points and formats New analyses are available New format (IMMA) will be future standard I-COADS real-time observations – coming next year
Brussels, Belgium Nov. 2003CLIMAR II, I-COADS Data and Products 32 Thanks!