Lesson Objective To introduce the and tags. To show how these tags can control the placement of text on a page when tabs and spaces are important. To introduce ASCII art using the tag.
Problem: HTML Ignores Blank Spaces Blank Lines Tabs
Solution: Tag Using the tag allows you to control the way text or tables look using blank spaces, blank lines, and special characters.
The preformat tag instructs your web browser to display text exactly as typed in the HTML document, including spaces, tabs and carriage returns.
Using the tag: Insert the tag to display preformatted text you want retained in your Web page. The tag is a container tag, and must be used in an on/off pair.
Code as Entered ) ( * )00 ( / \/ / | | | | | |--| | | | | |
Web Page as Displayed in Browser ) ( * )00 ( / \/ / | | | | | |--| | | | | | | | | |
Enter The Tag ) ( * )00 ( / \/ / | | | | | |--| | | | | |
Web Page Displayed Using Web Page Displayed Using ) ( * ) 00 ( / \/ / | | | | | |---| | | | | |
<Blockquote> The tag defines the start of a long quotation. The blockquote element creates white space on both sides of the text. The tag is a container tag.
<Blockquote> Example Without Blockquote TagThis is an example of how body text will look when typed into a text block without any formatting tags being used. The only white space is a single space separating words. Neither indentations nor line breaks are inserted.
<Blockquote> Example With Blockquote Tag This is an example of how body text will look when typed into a text block without any formatting tags being used. The only white space is a single space separating words. Neither indentations nor line breaks are inserted
ASCII Art ASCII (ask'-ee) stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange." ASCII artwork denotes artwork that is created without using graphics at all. Its palette is limited to the symbols and characters that you have available to you on your computer keyboard.
Review: and tags are used to enhance the way your Web pages are displayed in a browser. and tags are used to enhance the way your Web pages are displayed in a browser. tags are used to retain the look of preformatted text. tags are used to retain the look of preformatted text. is used to is used to define a long quotation. define a long quotation.
Assignment: In notepad, using the tag to define preformatted text, create an HTML document that will display your name as ASCII art when opened on your browser.