Panoramic Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cluster Evolution with Subaru (PISCES) FMOS meeting (Kyoto, 13-14/01/04) PI: Taddy Kodama (NAOJ) Arimoto, Futamase, Iye, Karasawa, Kashikawa, Kawasaki, Kitayama, Matsuhara, Nagashima, Nakata, Ohashi, Ohta, Okamoto, Okamura, Shimasaku, Suto, Tamura, Tanaka I., Tanaka M., Umetsu, Yahagi, and Yamada Thirsty?
What ’ s PISCES ? Panoramic Imaging of 15 Clusters at 0.4<z<1.3 with Suprime-Cam (optical, 30’ = Mpc) Panoramic Imaging of 15 Clusters at 0.4<z<1.3 with Suprime-Cam (optical, 30’ = Mpc) Spectroscopic Follow-up with FOCAS (optical, 6’) and FMOS (NIR, 30’) along the Structures Spectroscopic Follow-up with FOCAS (optical, 6’) and FMOS (NIR, 30’) along the Structures Mapping Large Scale Structure in and around Clusters Cluster Assembly and Spatial Bias Cluster Assembly and Spatial Bias Environmental Variation of Galaxy Properties Origin of Density-Morphology-SFR Relation Origin of Density-Morphology-SFR Relation
Cluster Assembly and Galaxy Evolution Colour-Magnitude Relation Density-Morphology Relation N-body simulation (Dark matter) Moore et al. Terlevich et al. Dressler et al. E Sp S0
Cluster Sample 15 X-ray selected clusters at 0.4<z<1.3
RX J (z=0.83) Suprime-Cam V : 120 min R : 116 min i’ : 75 min z’ : 79 min central 3’ x 3’ (outof 34’x27’)
Panoramic View of Cluster Assembly CL CL RX J0153 - 14 z=0.41 (4.3 Gyr ago) z=0.55 (5.4 Gyr ago) z=0.83 (7.0 Gyr ago) 30 arcmin = 10, 12, and 14 Mpc, respectively contours: 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5 sigma
Mapping the Three Major Components of Matter in Cluster Dark Matter Galaxies Hot Gas (weak-lensing) (photometric-redshift) (x-ray; XMM) RX J (z=0.83), 7 arcmin = 3.2 Mpc
Environmental Effects “a priori” or “a posteriori”
Galaxy Transition in CL0939 Cluster (z=0.4) Suprime-Cam + BVRI critical density Galaxies start to be truncated at relatively low density (groups) Kodama et al. (2001)
FMOS roles for PISCES Radial Velocities Radial Velocities Physical Associations of Substructures, Physical Associations of Substructures, 3-D Structures, Recent Merger Histories 3-D Structures, Recent Merger Histories Star Formation Rates Star Formation Rates Less affected by Dust and Metallicity. Less affected by Dust and Metallicity. Resolving the Recent Star Formation Histories Resolving the Recent Star Formation Histories by combining with Balmer indices and colours. by combining with Balmer indices and colours. ~~~ Hα measurements over a large FoV ~~~ H α comes to FMOS window for 0.4<z<1.7 !
Velocity Structures Clump Radius Velocity Czoske et al. (2002) A high-speed line-of-sight collision? ~300 spectra across 8 Mpc (25’) around CL0024 cluster (z=0.395)
Hα Mapping of CL0024 Cluster (z=0.4) Suprime-Cam + BRz’ and NB 912 Hα intensity is a good measure of on-going star formation rate Hα LF Kodama, Balogh, et al. (2004)
Global Star Formation History in Clusters (Cluster counterpart of the Madau plot) Kodama, Balogh et al. (2004) SFR (z) SFR ( σ ) This work
Starburst/Post-starburst Galaxies HδHδ g - r OII Spectral classificationSpectral indices Dressler et al. (1999) Poggianti et al. (1999) Burst active Age (Gyr) Resolving Recent SF Histories k+a k a+k e(c) e(a)
Dusty Starburst k+a a+k Radio (VLA), 1.4GHz Hα+NII OII Poggianti et al. 1999Smail et al Hα is a better tracer for on-going star formation activities
Down-sizing in Galaxy Formation Subaru/XMM Deep Field (1.2 sq deg) z~1 passive galaxies in theField corrected CM diagram for z~1 galaxies down to M*+3 Galaxy Formation is Down-sizing! Deficit! Kodama et al. (2004)
From Distant Clusters to the Present-day Clusters Kodama & Bower (2001) Global SF History z= Assembly Evolution Madau plot Taddy plot!
Summary FMOS will be an exellent facility for wide-field studies of distant clusters through H α line. FMOS will be an exellent facility for wide-field studies of distant clusters through H α line. PISCES will provide panoramic views of hierarchical growth of clusters through assembly and galaxy evolution therein since the Universe was only 1/3 of its present age. PISCES will provide panoramic views of hierarchical growth of clusters through assembly and galaxy evolution therein since the Universe was only 1/3 of its present age. Combining with the up-coming wide-field NIR imagers such as WFCAM (UKIRT, 30 ’ ) and MOIRCS (Subaru, 4 ’ x7 ’ ), we will be able to extend such studies to z~1.7 (H α ) and far beyond (O II ). Combining with the up-coming wide-field NIR imagers such as WFCAM (UKIRT, 30 ’ ) and MOIRCS (Subaru, 4 ’ x7 ’ ), we will be able to extend such studies to z~1.7 (H α ) and far beyond (O II ).