COLOSSIANS Colossians 03: :18 THE ORDER OF THINGS I.INTRODUCTION A. Finish book of Colossians 1. Colosse a loving church.
2. Paul exalted superiority of Jesus. B.Paul closes with an exhortation. 1. A reminder to wives, husbands, children…. 2. Final words are of praise for the people.
3. Starts in Chapter 3 verse 18. II.COLOSSIANS 3:18 A.Wife submitting to her husband is “fitting”. 1. “What does it mean to have ‘fitted” sheets?”
2. Same concept, “fitted” for a new suit or dress. a) We say, “This suit was made for me.” b) Wife submits to her husband, it “fits”. B. “submit” = “willingly place oneself under”.
1. Military term used for “rank and file”. 2. Jesus’ praise of the Roman Centurion! a) Praised him for his faith! (1) Had not seen that kind of faith in Israel! b) A wife blessed when she accepts that role!
III.COLOSSIANS 3:19 A.Exhortation for husbands is “agape love”. 1. 1Corinthians 13:4 a) No small request! b) “Don’t cop and attitude toward your wife!”
IV.COLOSSIANS 3:20 A.Psalm 51, “obedience is better than sacrifice.” 1. The Lord blessed when we do what He asks! 2. Parents blessed when children do what they are asked to do.
a) Children blessed when they obey their parents. b) The Lord is pleased! (1) Can’t “pick and chose”. V.COLOSSIANS 3:21 A.Often dads who “poke” at their children.
1. Simply poking at them or making fun of them. a) Some us this as form of discipline. b) You can destroy a child’s “spirit” quickly! VI.COLOSSIANS 3:22
A. “bondservants” these days = employees. 1. Requires same “obedience” from employees as children. 2. Obedience out of love for the Lord! a) A job just a job until we let Jesus into it!
VII.COLOSSIANS 3:23-25 A.We serve the Lord Christ, not man! 1. God not political, He has no “favorites”. 2. For Him right is right and wrong is sin. 3. We have only one life.
VIII.COLOSSIANS 4:1 A.Remember principle of sowing and reaping! 1. Luke 6:38 2. If you are fair and just, your Master will be fair with you.
IX.COLOSSIANS 4:2-6 A. 3 important characteristics of Christianity. 1. Prayer – to be done like we mean it! a) “Keep alert” at it –be “vigilant”! b) Include thanksgiving.
2. Conduct - Walks = in “wisdom”. a) Make every second count for the Lord. 3. Speech = Often, critical and condemning. a) Our speech to be “seasoned with salt”. (1) Use seasoning carefully:
(2) Salt a preservative! b. Pray about each situation and think about what we are saying. (1) Make sure it glorifies the Lord. (2) It brings the hearer closer to Him. X.CONCLUSION
A.Colossians 4:7-18