Video Lecture By: Matthew Atkinson
Introduction World War II World War II Economic and Political ProblemsEconomic and Political Problems Rise of NationalismRise of Nationalism Major Events Leading to WarMajor Events Leading to War Students will use information that they have previously learned in past history classes Students will use information that they have previously learned in past history classes
General Questions Describe in five(5) words or less what it was like to live in the United States or Europe after World War I? Describe in five(5) words or less what it was like to live in the United States or Europe after World War I? Can anyone recall an event in time, either past or present, that you have gained a sense of pride in your country? Can anyone recall an event in time, either past or present, that you have gained a sense of pride in your country?
Introducing the videos These videos provide a powerful overview of the confluence of events and circumstances that led to the worldwide conflict from The first part, “The Rise of Nationalism” chronicles the rise of nationalism in Europe and Japan. Students will learn about dictators, Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Josef Stalin as well as the military leaders of Japan. Secondly, “The Clouds of War” details the rising tide of conflict, with an overview of Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia, the Spanish civil war, Germany’s re-militarization and subsequent take-over of Austria, and Czechoslovakia; Britain’s policy of appeasement and the German-Soviet non-aggression pact. Next, “American Isolationism” documents America’s post World War I period of isolation; the Kellog-Briand pact; and Roosevelt’s support of China during Japan’s invasion. The next part, “War Comes to Europe” is a powerful accounting of Germany’s pursuit of domination of the continent. Students will see first hand footage of the bombing of Poland and learn about the German “Blitzkrieg.” Also covered are the German invasion of France; the Battle of Britain; the Lend-Lease Act; the Atlantic Charter; and American anti-war voices. Finally, “A Path to Infamy” discusses the escalation of Japanese aggression in the Pacific, the breakdown of American/Japanese peace negotiations and the resulting declarations of war.
Rise of Nationalism What was the Treaty of Versailles, and what were its effects on Europe? Name some of the leaders and their corresponding countries, that came to power in Europe after World War I?
Rise of Nationalism Briefly describe Hitler’s beliefs about race and their effect on Jews. Describe in detail one of the nationalist governments mentioned in the program. Be sure to include the dictator, country, beliefs and motives, and some of the events that took place.
War on the Horizon What could be some possible reasons that war would break out in Europe? What could be some possible reasons that war would break out in Europe? From what you have previously learned from other classes what do you believe was the League of Nations response to Hitler’s actions before World War II? From what you have previously learned from other classes what do you believe was the League of Nations response to Hitler’s actions before World War II?
War on the Horizon Why was the Spanish Civil War a turning point in the development of World War II? Describe two events that played a determining factor in the outbreak of World War II. Why did Italy invade Ethiopia?
American Isolationism What do you think isolationism means? What do you think isolationism means? Why do you think America made the choice of isolationism? Why do you think America made the choice of isolationism?
American Isolationism What was the United States' role in the years leading up to World War II? Describe the Neutrality Acts established by the United States.
War in Europe Name some of the countries involved during World War II? Name some of the countries involved during World War II? What are some of the events that took place during World War II, that you have previously learned about? What are some of the events that took place during World War II, that you have previously learned about?
War in Europe How was the United States initially able to help Great Britain? Explain the effect of the Blitzkrieg warfare during the Battle of Britain.
The Path to Infamy What do you know about Japanese involvement in World War II? What do you know about Japanese involvement in World War II? What could “The Path to Infamy” mean? What could “The Path to Infamy” mean?
The Path to Infamy Why was the attack on Pearl Harbor such a surprise to the United States? Describe the events leading up to the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Follow Up Questions Explain the United States’ involvement during the pre-World War II era, from isolation through joining the war, and the events and beliefs that caused each level of association. Do you think the United States would have entered the war if Japan never attacked Pearl Harbor?