Презентация к уроку английского языка в 7 классе по теме «Обзор фильма» (УМК «New Millennium ENGLISH») Выполнена учителем английского языка МОУ «Лицей №230» г. Заречного Пензенской области Миряевой Ларисой Андреевной
A western A horror film A love story A historical film A fantasy film A thriller A documentary A comedy An action film A cartoon
… is one with a lot of action. science fiction horror film … is one with a lot of action. The film which has fights and horse chases in the Wild West is called a … A film with a lot of funny situations, which make you laugh, is a … A … presents spooky situations. In a … there is always a touching story of two people with a happy end. A … is a film which is especially popular with children.
What films do you like. Why. I like … films, because they are Ving What films do you like? Why? I like … films, because they are Ving. I am Ved to see a …film because it is Ving.
The title of the film is The Fellowship of the Rings The title of the film is The Fellowship of the Rings. It is a fantasy film. It is based on the famous book The Lord of the Rings. This fantasy film is directed by Peter Jackson. The main parts are played by Elijah Wood and Ian McKellen. The acting is exciting. The action takes place in Middle Earth. It is a place where hobbits, humans, elves live. The movie centres on the adventures of hobbit Frodo, magician Gandalf and their friends. The film is packed with special effects. I was excited to see this fantasy film. It is extremely interesting and thrilling. I recommend to see this film to everybody who like adventures.
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: What is the title of the film? What type of film is it? Is the film based on a book? Who is the director of the film? Who plays the main parts in the film? Who are the main characters? Where does the action take place? Does the writer of the film review like the film? Does he recommend to see it?
The plan
Some expressions for a film review The plan Some expressions for a film review The title The type of the film The director The actors The place The time The characters The main idea Your opinion
The action takes place in.. The action takes place during… I recommend this film to those who like… The film is packed with special effects. I like (am fond of) watching this film. The main parts are played by… The film has an extremely …. acting. It is a… . It is based on… The title of the film is… The film is directed by… The movie centers on… The main characters are…
The plan Some expressions for a film review The title The title of the film is… The type of the film It is a… . It is based on… The director The film is directed by… The actors The main parts are played by… The film has an extremely …. acting. The place The action takes place in.. The time The action takes place during… The characters The main characters are… The main idea The movie centers on… Your opinion I like (am fond of) watching this film. I recommend this film to those who like… The film is packed with special effects.
Your home task: Prepare the review of your favourite film