Seeks to determine group membership from predictor variables ◦ Given group membership, how many people can we correctly classify?
Can think of this analysis as MANOVA turned inside out. WomenMen Left Right Right Women Right Men Left Woman Left Men
Given your mean, can we predict what group you would be in? IVs = predictors DVs = groups, grouping variables
You have classifications – 1 (groups basically) ways to linearly combine IVs to create group membership ◦ So if you have 3 groups, then there are several ways to combine variables to classify
If you have a third group, you may have a second discriminate function. Trying to understand what IVs are used to discriminate between groups can be kind of limited here
Find a function to predict group membership.
Significant predictions – can membership be predicted reliably, can we do better than chance?
Number of significant discriminate functions ◦ Groups/classifications – 1 is the max number you will get ◦ 1 st discriminate function accounts for the most variance, provides best separation between groups ◦ 2 nd function is orthogonal, but may still be significant
Dimensions of discrimination – what are the IVs that separate the groups? ◦ What is the pattern of relationships of IVs to the discriminate function (similar to EFA).
Classification function – how can we weight scores to discriminate (creates regression equations)
Adequacy of classification – how many cases are classified correctly? ◦ When there are mistakes, where do they happen?
Effect size? ◦ Finds a canonical correlate with each function, so you can see how much of the variance in groups is accounted for by each discriminate function.
Which predictors are the most important? If covariates, what IVs are important after the controls? Estimation of group means (centroids) – which means do the discriminate functions separate?
Are the groups naturally occurring or did we randomly assign them?
Since it’s mostly about classification, it’s ok if distributions are a bit weird as long as the discriminate function is good. Whenever MANOVA works best, discriminate works best.
Unequal N – not a big deal. ◦ But does influence with very small cells ( ◦ Discriminate function will be biased because that probability of that cell is so small ◦ Sample size of smallest group > IVs
Missing data – needs to be replaced or eliminated. ◦ Dependent data ◦ Category data
Normality ◦ Robust but we assume linear combinations of the IVs are normal – but not a good way to test this idea. ◦ Start to have problems if there are unequal N and the sample size is small. Want 20 cases in smallest sample.
Outliers – you are trying to predict an individuals’ group, so outliers = no good. ◦ Univariate and multivariate outliers need to eliminated. ◦ BUT run outliers separately for each classification/group.
Homogeneity – Box’s M is still sensitive ◦ Can also check out scatter plots of scores on 1 st and 2 nd discriminate functions separated for each group (SPSS plots) ◦ If fails: Use nonparametric – log regression
Linearity – making linear combinations of IVs AND we are making regressions. Definitely need. ◦ Less serious errors because it just reduces power.
Multicollinearity – since this is regression you do not want 2 predictors that measure the same thing.
Same as MANOVA (to a point). MANOVA – tests if there are differences in combinations of means (DVs) for groups (IVs) ◦ Then tests which DVs are best for group separation.
Discriminate function – ◦ D = dz1 + dz2 + dz3 … ◦ D = discriminate score ◦ d = discriminate function coefficient Get by doing canonical variates Basically canonical correlation as: Group member predictor
Discriminate function – ◦ D = dz1 + dz2 + dz3 … ◦ d = chosen to maximize group differences Very similar to beta ◦ Z = DVs – they are z-scored because then that makes it easy to see ds weight in equation and gives D: SD = 1, Mean = 0 Important for categorical prediction
Separates as so: 0-> 1 = group 1 -1 -> 0 = group 2
Classification equation ◦ You are assigned to the group where you have the highest classification score
Classification ◦ C = Constant + cX1 + cX2 ◦ C = classification group ◦ c = classification coefficient ◦ X = raw score
Standard (direct) – each predictor enters the equation at the same time and only assigned unique variance ◦ Test of means = MANOVA ◦ Test of discriminate functions – canonical correlation
Sequential (hierarchical) – you determine order predictors enter discriminate function ◦ You are testing if a new predictor adds better classification to this equation Similar to MANCOVA Good for smaller number of predictors and theory driven arguments (unfortunately, there’s not a good way to do this in SPSS, instead do it as a hierarchical regression where DV is coded as 0 and 1).
Stepwise (statistical) – predictors enter equation based on some cut off you use. ◦ If you have 10 of the same predictors, it might be a good way to eliminate overlapping ones. ◦ But but! Dependent on sample you select ◦ You can use R2, F, change in group centers, etc.
Inference ◦ Criteria for overall statistical significance Use Wilk’s lambda as with MANOVA since it’s the same test. Stepwise – you get two more options Mahalanobis D2 and Rao’s V based on group centroid differences
Inference ◦ Number of discriminate functions If you have a lot of groups, you’ll get several discriminate functions but they may not be significant, usually around 2 are significant. Evaluates like canonical correlation – eigenvalues, % of variance, chi-square
Interpretation Discriminate 1 Discriminate 2 Dots are discriminate function centroids (means) of each group
Cross validation – see if your discriminate function correctly classifies a new sample ◦ Split half testing ◦ Can do this by jackknifed classification (leave-it- out option in SPSS).