Based on the narrative written by C Preston (2004), located in Stamp, K. (2007). Teaching primary science constructively (3 rd ed.). Melbourne: Cengage Learning Australia.
What’s the matter water drop? Said the water drop next to it. ‘I’m getting a bit sick of being stuck in this pipe, squashed in here with all the other water drops, ‘ replied the first water drop. ‘Don’t worry, we’ll be out of here soon. Whoaaa! I tpld you! Here we go!!! Weeeeeeee, splosh!’ and with that lots of water drops rushed out of the tap and into a small plastic plate. The water drops filled the plate up to a texta line that was drawn around it.
‘ Where are we?’ cried the first water drop. ‘I don’t know,’ replied the second. ‘I know where we are,’ replied another water drop. ‘We are in a shallow plate sitting on a table in a sunny classroom, we are part of Year Three’s experiment,’ it said. OH, WHAT FUN! CRIED THE FIRST WATER DROP. ‘Oooh, oooh, I’m starting to get hot!’ said the first water drop. ‘so am I,’ said the second water drop. ‘Me too!’ yelled a dew more of the water drops.
‘I am starting to change!’ called out water drop one. ‘I am too,’ yelled water drop two. ‘ And me!’, Me too!’ called out some of the other water drops. One second they were water drops, then suddenly they changed into gas, they were still water, but people couldn't see them anymore. They were now called water vapour. ‘Wait until Year Three come back to look at the plate, wont they be surprised!’ called water vapour one.
‘Bbrrr! I’m getting cold,’ shivered water vapour one. ‘Yes, it’s cold up here in the sky,’ agreed water vapour two. Pop! The next thing you know, water vapours one and two had turned back into little water drops. They were just hanging in the air, but now people could see them because they were forming a cloud.
‘Hey, there is starting to be lots of us here now,’ said water drop two. ‘I know, it is so much dun when we all get close together!’ said water drop one enthusiastically. The nexxt thing we knew, water drops one and two joined together and got bigger, then some little water drops joined them and they started to get crowded. When enough little water drops huddled together they got too big to stay up in the cloud and they started to fall as rain.