Palmer 65 pt. 2 Essential Question: How did Bismarck use war to unify Germany?
Prussia and Austria not wanting the German Confederation to be victorious acted together against Denmark Prussia and Austria quickly defeated Denmark. Austria and Prussia agree that Schleswig would be occupied by Prussia and Holstein to be occupied by Austria. Tensions grew between Austria and Prussia Causes 1864 Denmark wanting to strengthen itself tried to annex Schleswig. Which was part Dane and part German German Confederation voted for armed intervention Outcome
* Causes Austria and Prussia quarreled over Schleswig and Holstein. Austria complained to German federal diet Bismarck ordered Prussian forces into Holstein. Smaller German states joined Austria but were not affective Prussia’s military was superior (needle-gun), railroads, Skillfully commanded. Bismarck defeated the German states and Austria.
* Results of Austro-Prussian War Prussia annexed Schlewig-Holstien, Hanover, Duchies of Nassau, Hesse-Cassel, and Frankfurt. German federal union was replaced in 1867 with North German Confederation. Which Prussia dominated Constitution Two chamber Parliament (Upper Chamber and Reichstag) Universal male suffrage for Reichstag King of Prussia became hereditary head. Italy annexed Venetia
* Causes Bismarck hoped war would scare the south German states to join with North German Confederation. Napoleon III hoped to restore faith in his government. Spain’s queen had been driven into exile. Spain asked to have a member of the Hohenzollern family (Prussia’s royal family) take the throne. After asking three times Prince Leopold accepted. France demanded Leopold withdraw acceptance. French Demanded that no member of the Hohenzollern ever become a candidate for the Spanish throne. Prussian King refused and sent the request to Bismarck as the “Ems Dispatch”. Bismarck edited it and leaked it to the press. The Prussians believed that the king was insulted the French believed their ambassador had been slighted. July 19, 1870 war broke out
* Franco Prussian War * Germany was aided by the south German states * War started on July 19, 1870 * After the battle of Sedan the French surrendered on September 2, * The German forces moved to Paris but they refused to capitulate and the city was besieged for four months.
* Franco-Prussian War Outcomes Treaty of Frankfurt May 10, 1871 France had to pay 5 Billion Francs (an unprecedented sum) Alsace-Lorraine was annexed by Germany. January 18, 1871 Bismarck proclaims the German Empire in the Hall of Mirrors.
* Francis Joseph Emperor from * The question for Austria would be how to rule a multi ethnic empire in the age of nationalism * 1867 Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary was created. * Compromise between the Germans and the Magyars at the expense of the Slavs. * Each were considered equal * Each had its own constitution and parliament. * Common minister for ministry of finance, foreign affairs, and war. * Universal male suffrage for Austria in 1907 only about half of the Hungary male population had the vote.