Book 10 Circe, the Grace of the Witch Eventually, Odysseus and his men arrive at the island home of Circe, the enchantress. She detains them for a year, allowing them to go home only if they will visit the land of the dead.
People to know Aeolus-the guardian of the winds
Laestrygones Cannibal inhabitants of a the region of Mount Aetna in Sicily. They are best known for having destroyed Odysseus' fleet. Odysseus
Eurylochus A trusted officer of Odysseus
Persephone The wife of Hades, ruler of the underworld
Book 11 Odysseus and his crew travel to the underworld to meet a blind sage as Circe demanded. Odysseus meets Elpenor, and his mother while in the underworld.
People to know Tiresias- a blind prophet. Odyssseus visits him in the underworld, where Tiresias tells Odysseus that he will only return to Ithaca if he and his men avoid stealing from the sun god, Helios. If Odysseus and his men do steal from Helios, they will be forced to wander the sea for many years.
Elpenor One of Odysseus’ crew who was killed in an accident. Odysseus promises him a proper burial.