Progress report on the implementation of the HEAIDS Programme in the Post-School Education and Training Sector Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training 02 September 2015
2 Overview Background HEAIDS Mandate Financial support HEAIDS projects/programmes 2014 Achievements HEAIDS reach
3 Background The Higher Education and Training HIV/AIDS Programme (HEAIDS) is a national programme to develop and support the HIV/TB/STI and General Health and Wellness mitigation initiatives at South Africa's public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges. It is a programme of the Department of Higher Education and Training managed through Universities South Africa (formerly Higher Education South Africa), the representative body of South Africa's 26 universities. HEAIDS works in partnership with South African College Principals Organisation (SACPO), the representative body of South Africa’s 50 public Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges. Director of the programme is Dr Ramneek Ahluwalia. HEAIDS reports monthly, quarterly and annually to the Department.
4 HEAIDS Mandate To build capacity and human resource capabilities for a comprehensive and effective institutional HIV response that embodies the Health and Wellness dimensions of the pandemic; To build Comprehensive strategies for the TVET and HEI sector; To develop a more even level of response across the sector on the grounds of a minimum standard; To develop effective partnerships that benefit the Health mitigation response of individual institutions and the sector; To advocate and facilitate the sharing of Best Practices through dedicated events and ongoing platforms; To promote relevant research and share integrated learnings and outcomes; and To establish monitoring and evaluation capacities in the sector.
5 Financial Support Total Funding SourceDuration Current AwardAmount DHET via MTEF Annual-MTEF Cycle R7,7m R 8,1R8,5m HESA Membership Support - HEI's Annual - Oct 2013 to Sept 2018 R1, 3m R 1, 4m R1, 5m SAPCO - TVETs Annual - June 2015 to May 2020 R2,5m R2, 7m R2,9m Global Fund Oct 2013 to March 2016 R25,66m R10,5m R2,44m National Skills Fund Oct 2014 to Sept 2016 R24,8mR12,4mR9,3m GIZ Apr 2015 to March 2016 R0,766m R 0,575mR0,192m
6 HEAIDS Programmes The Programme has 7 ongoing projects aimed at mitigating the scourge that is HIV/AIDS and these are: –First Things First HIV Counselling and Testing campaign –Men’s Health Programme –Curriculum development and integration –MSM and LGBTI programme –Women’s Health Programme –Drug and Alcohol Prevention Programme –Youth Development and HIV Prevention Campus Radio Programme
7 First Things First HIV Counselling and Testing campaign The First things First (FTF) programme accounts for 96% of the total HIV testing, TB, STIs and other general health and wellness interventions in the higher education and training sector FTF programme also provides 25% of first time testers, an opportunity to know their status so that they are able to seek proper care and support if they test positive for HIV, TB, STIs, etc FTF programme has shown that incorporating HIV, in the same way as any other chronic disease, within the Wellness component service provision helps with removing the stigma attached to the disease and results in increased HIV testing among young people.
8 First Things First HIV Counselling and Testing campaign FTF is one of the programmes that brings together different Government departments, Civil Societies, Development Partners and Private Sector Funders to work collectively on the health of our youth Total number of students tested for HIV/TB/STI and Wellness screenings from 2011 is greater than The numbers tested an annual basis are: over
9 Men’s and Women’s Health Programmes Package of Services in UniversitiesPackage of Services in TVET Colleges Development of a standardised curriculum for men/women aged 17– 35 to achieve the programme goals; Training co-ordinated by HEAIDS to achieve the programme goals; Training of peer educators to reach every man/woman on campus; Engagement with students on campus; Support for the development of Men or women Clubs, Residence Clubs and Peer Groups; Provision of grant funding for two years to support implementation of the programme (2014–2016), and continued direct grants to established structures; Monitoring and evaluation Development of a standardised curriculum of men/women 14–35 to achieve the programme goals; Training coordinated by HEAIDS to achieve the programme goals; Training of peer educators to reach every man/woman on campus; Engagement with students on campus; Support for the development of Men or women Clubs, Residence Clubs and Peer Groups; Monitoring and evaluation
10 Curriculum Development and Integration Package of Services in Universities Package of Services in TVET Colleges Directing grants to each university towards curriculum development and support (2013– 2016) and the continued mobilisation of funds; Facilitating national capacity development for academic staff; Advocacy and co-ordination of the sector and faculties towards HIV curriculum development Co-ordinating research for the sector in the teaching and learning space Monitoring and evaluation Development of different HIV modules for the TVET sector; Facilitating national capacity development for academic staff Advocacy and co-ordination of academic managers towards curriculum development and implementation; Co-ordinating the baseline survey research for the sector in the teaching and learning space Monitoring and evaluation
11 MSM and LGBTI programme Package of Services in UniversitiesPackage of Services in TVET Colleges MSM/LGBTI-friendly health services are being strengthened and established; Sensitisation and awareness and referral programmes; Development of a standardised curriculum for MSM-LGBTI Training of MSM-LGBTI peer educators to reach LGBTI population on campus; Engaging students in dialogues on campus; Supporting the development of MSM-LGBTI Peer Clubs Linking of services through the HEAIDS First Things First Programme MSM/LGBTI-friendly health services are being strengthened and established; Sensitisation and awareness and referral programmes; Development of a standardised curriculum for MSM-LGBTI Training of MSM-LGBTI peer educators to reach LGBTI population on campus; Engaging students in dialogues on campus; Supporting the development of MSM-LGBTI Peer Clubs; Linking of services through the HEAIDS First Things First Programme
12 Drug and Alcohol Prevention Programme Package of Services in UniversitiesPackage of Services in TVET Colleges Development of a customised and standardised toolkit; Development of a standardised curriculum for students aged 17–35 to achieve the programme goals; Training of peer educators to reach every student on campus; Engagement with students on campus; Support for the development of Drug Abuse Peer Clubs; Provision of grant funding for two years to support the implementation of the programme (2014–2016) and continued direct grants to established structures; Monitoring and evaluation Development of a standardised curriculum of for students aged 14– 35 to achieve the programme goals; Training of peer educators to reach every student on campus; Engagement with students on campus; Support for the development of Drug Abuse Peer Clubs; Monitoring and evaluation.
13 Youth Development and HIV Prevention Campus Radio Programme Package of Services in Universities Package of Services in TVET Colleges Development of a standardised curriculum for radio journalists to achieve the programme goals; Support for the development of radio programme content for production and broadcast with each participating radio station; Monitoring and evaluation Capacity building of community radio stations in the vicinity of TVET campuses on youth development and HIV related problems; Support in the establishment of campus radio stations in interested TVET colleges; Development of a standardised curriculum for radio journalists to achieve the programme goals; Support for the development of radio programme content for production and broadcast with each participating radio station; Monitoring and evaluation
14 Overview of HEAIDS Achievements in 2014 ACTIVITY/PROGRAMME HEAIDS OVERALL REACH Screening & Testing for HIV Screening & Testing for TB Screening & Testing for STIs Over 200,000 students and staff tested for HIV, STIs, TB cumulatively in last 3 years 4. TVET College Sector & HEIs Programme Activations373 campuses activated all HEAIDS Programmes 5. Provincial visits by TVET sector provincial coordinators to monitor implementation of HEAIDS Programmes in TVETs, partner liaison meetings, stakeholder meetings, programme pre-activation and activations to strengthen capacity to respond to health issues. 373 TVET sector provincial programme coordination forums 6. Capacity Building Programme-Peer Education Training: HEAIDS: Men Health Programmes capacity building, circumcisions, post-operative wound care; HEAIDS: Women Health Programme Capacity Building (gender based violence), cervical cancer screening, contraceptives; HEAIDS: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Programme Capacity building. Over
15 Overview of HEAIDS Achievements in 2014 ACTIVITY/PROGRAMMEHEAIDS OVERALL REACH The following 4 studies were published by HEAIDS in 2014: LGBTI Pilot Survey (HEIs); KAB Survey (TVETs); Evaluation of HEAIDS First Things First Programme (HEIs); The Radio Station Evaluation Report. LGBTI Pilot Survey was launched at UNISA and distributed to all 26 HEIs and 50 TVETs. KAB Survey (TVETs) was launched at the SA AIDS conference and distributed to all 26 HEIs and 50 TVETs. Evaluation of HEAIDS First Things First Programme (HEIs) was presented at TVET Provincial Meetings and HEIs Regional Workshops. The Radio Station Evaluation Report is still to be launched and disseminated to stakeholders.
16 Overview of HEAIDS Achievements in 2014 ACTIVITY/PROGRAMMEHEAIDS OVERALL REACH HEAIDS Integrated Online Reporting System Training 8 provincial coordinators (TVETS) and 21 HEIs trained (students and staff) HEAIDS Global Fund Direct Grant deliverables in HEIs 9. HEAIDS Men’s Health Programmes- capacity building, circumcisions, post- operative wound care students and staff 10 HEAIDS Women’ Health Programme- Capacity Building (gender based violence), cervical cancer screening, contraceptives students and staff
17 Programme Reach
18 HEIs & TVET Campuses - Per Province ProvinceTVETs TVET Campuses Universities University campuses Total Campuses EC NC GP NW MP KZN FS LP WC Total
19 Conclusion The Programme has gained recognition in the higher education and training sector, NGOs, and other government departments. The outcomes and outputs in terms of the HEAIDS interventions and studies/publications are impressive Impact studies are necessary to fully evaluate the implementation of the programme and elucidate the contribution of the Programme towards improved student success at HEIs and TVET colleges. The Department is in the process of sourcing additional funding to sustain the Programme as it not only safeguards the health of our students but also ensures that they live a productive and responsible life.
20 Thank You