AEP ONCOR TNMP TDSP AMS Data Practices Summary TDSP_AMS Data Practices Summary.ppt CenterPoint
AMS Data Facts 1 All TDSPs are providing complete 96 interval values (no nulls) The estimation process may be triggered when there are missing register reads or if the register read does not pass VEE TDSPs trigger the estimation process when there are missing interval values or if the interval value does not pass Validation, Estimation, Editing (VEE) Zero is a valid consumption interval value. All TDSPs allow and provide zeros in interval values TDSPs could acquire actual data following an estimated interval value TDSP_AMS Data Practices Summary.ppt
AMS Data Facts 1 All TDSPs are providing complete 96 interval values 34 5 The estimation process may be triggered when there are missing register reads or if the register read does not pass VEE TDSPs trigger the estimation process when there are missing interval values or if the interval value does not pass VEE Zero is a valid consumption interval value. All TDSPs allow and provide zeros in interval values TDSPs could acquire actual data following an estimated interval value 2 1 All TDSPs are providing complete 96 interval values TDSP_AMS Data Practices Summary.ppt
AEP Triggers the estimation process when there are missing interval values or if the interval value does not pass VEE CenterPoint Triggers the estimation process when interval data is missing or has failed VEE processes CNP’s automated systems will concurrently attempt to retreive actual or missing interval data through CNP’s Missing Interval Monitor (MIM) processes for 5 days ONCOR TNMP 2 (When) All TDSPs estimate missing interval values, their methods and approach are documented here: Triggers the estimation process when there are missing interval values or if the interval value does not pass VEE TDSP_AMS Data Practices Summary.ppt TNMP
AEP Utilizes unique process for partial days verses full days. (See Matrix 2f referenced on slide 12 of this document) CenterPoint ONCOR Residential customers interval values are shaped based on ERCOT load profiles Commercial interval values are shaped based on the most recent 3 like days of historical usage available for the premise TNMP interval values are shaped based on the most recent 14 like days of historical usage available. (See Matrix 2f referenced on slide 12 of this document) 2 (How) All TDSPs estimate missing intervals, their methods and approach are documented here : Utilizes unique process for partial days verses full days. (See Matrix 2f referenced on slide 12 of this document) TDSP_AMS Data Practices Summary.ppt TNMP
AMS Data Facts 3 Zero is a valid consumption interval value. All TDSPs allow and provide zeros in interval values The estimation process may be triggered there are missing register reads or if the register read does not pass VEE TDSPs trigger the estimation process when there are missing interval values or if the interval value does not pass VEE TDSPs could acquire actual data following an estimated interval value All TDSPs are providing complete 96 interval values TDSP_AMS Data Practices Summary.ppt
AEP Not performing daily zero validations at this time Following the UBP rule 1.6 (at billing only) Zero Consumption for active meters CenterPointONCOR Performs data analysis checks for zero consumption after DNP or MVOs and initiates additional review where deemed appropriate TNMP Not performing additional validations at this time 3) Since zero is a valid consumption value, are there validations performed when identified? Consecutive zero validation will flag intervals with a failure code and/or will flag ESID on a Validation Failure Report. A manual review of the event log or CIS is done to determine if there is an associated power outage or an attributable event, if not a meter field investigation may be initiated TDSP_AMS Data Practices Summary.ppt TNMP
4 TDSPs could acquire actual data following an estimated interval value The estimation process may be triggered when there are missing register reads or if the register read does not pass VEE AMS Data Facts Zero is a valid consumption interval value. All TDSPs allow and provide zeros in interval values TDSPs trigger the estimation process when there are missing interval values or if the interval value does not pass VEE All TDSPs are providing complete 96 interval values TDSP_AMS Data Practices Summary.ppt
AEP When Meter Data Management system experiences an issue. When data originally failed validation usually within 3 days. New date/time stamped LSE files will be posted. CenterPoint ONCOR Oncor has plans to automate the process to check for missing actuals and send to SMT and ERCOT. TNMP If an actual is received within 70 days of the read New date/time stamped LSE files will be posted. 4) There are circumstances where TDSPs could acquire actual data following an estimated interval value CNP will continue to attempt to retrieve missing interval data for 5 days through an automated process, if updates are received then new date/time stamped LSE files will be posted TDSP_AMS Data Practices Summary.ppt TNMP
AMS Data Facts 4 TDSPs could acquire actual data following an estimated interval value The estimation process may be triggered when there are missing register reads or if the register read does not pass VEE Zero is a valid consumption interval value. All TDSPs allow and provide Zeros in interval values TDSPs trigger the estimation process when there are missing interval values or if the interval value does not pass VEE All TDSPs are providing complete 96 interval values TDSP_AMS Data Practices Summary.ppt
ONCOR When register read not received or fails VEE. If "96 good" interval values are obtained, MDM will calculate a missed register read. Estimated register reads are provided when LSE correction files are sent 5) TDSPs may estimate missing register reads, their methods and approach are documented here: AEP CenterPoint TNMP When register read not received or fails VEE TDSP_AMS Data Practices Summary.ppt Will not provide a register reading in the daily LSE file if the register reading has been estimated for more than (2) consecutive register readings. If the ESI ID has more than (2) consecutive estimated register readings, the register read data element will contain “NULL” (same as blank) until an actual register reading can be retrieved from the meter. TNMP
TDSP_AMS Data Practices Summary.ppt Additional Detail from Slide 5 – Please reference Matrix