Coursework – Stages in detail 1 Choose a child 2 Coursework outline 3 In-School Observation 4 Introductory visit 5 B.A.R. 6 F.A.R. 7 The 6 Visits 8 Complete coursework
1 Choose a child The child must be younger than 5 years old on the day you start the study. Any child is acceptable. The child could be: brother, sister, niece, nephew, relative or neighbour’s child. A new born baby will do little else but sleep, so if possible choose someone older than say four months. Why not baby sit and get paid while completing your study? You need to know who you are studying by November, at the latest.
2 Coursework outline In October, Mr. Hudson will outline the coursework You will be given information to read
3 In-School Observation In the Autumn term Children will come into School with their Mums and dads. We will observe, use an observation sheet and write up. This is practice observing and reporting.
4 Introductory visit In December Carry out your Introductory visit Use a pro forma Write up
5 B.A.R. (Broad Area of Research) Decide on a Broad Area of Research –This should link to the child you are studying Produce a ‘folio’ of information During the Spring Term –Including: primary and secondary research –Read books –Use the internet –Devise a questionnaire or survey
6 F.A.R. (Focussed Area of research) Decide on a Focussed Area of Research –This should be based around the child you are studying –Produce 3 short activities to use with your child Produce a ‘folio’ of information During the Summer Term –This could Include: primary and secondary research –Read books –Use the internet –Devise a questionnaire Produce 3 short activities to use with your child
7 The 6 Visits Plan 6 visits Make 6 visits – 1 visit each month from January to June Report (write up) the 6 visits All 6 visits will observe P. I. E. S. 3 of the visits will have an activity linked to your F. A. R.
8 Complete coursework The coursework should be written up throughout the course The final evaluation and completion must be done by JULY at the end of year 10