Mathematics Workshop KS1 Parents
Aims New curriculum for mathematics at KS1, which is now in line with EYFS Calculating Strategies Mental calculation strategies in KS1 How you can help your child
New Primary Mathematics Curriculum Higher expectations overall – benchmarked against other nations Conceptual development of number addressed in more detail Fewer things in more depth All pupils expected to build firm foundations to help become secondary ready
What do we need to teach in KS1? Number bonds from 10 and 20 ( ie 7+3=10, 18+2= 20) Basic multiplication ( x2,3,5,10) Basic division ( ÷2,5,10) Odds and Evens Fractions ( ½, ¼, 1/3, 3/4) Addition and subtraction to 100 Place value ( ones, tens and hundreds) Time ( o’clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past) Measurement ( mass, length, capacity, temperature) Money ( everyday money- calculating change) Problem solving Handling data ( graphing, tables, sorting data) Shape and space-symmetry
End of KS1 Testing- Summer Term The children will have complete 2 mathematics papers: Arithmetic Mathematical Reasoning
Understanding Number
EYFS Needs to practical Informal Embed numbers 1-10 initially (not the symbols) What they actually are in jottings and drawing Following on from 1-10, Counting amounts from a larger amount
Pictorial Representations
Addition and Subtraction at KS1
Adding = 8 Step 1 start on the biggest number and count on in jumps. Using a Number line
Counting on using a number line 8+7=15 Application of number bonds Relationship of every number to 10
Counting back using a number line 15-7= 8
Partitioning and using a number line 48+36=
Subtracting using a number line 74-27=
Addition and Subtraction a with number square Adding = 66 Step 1 :Partition the number ( one 10, two units) 10 & 2 Step 2: add on the 10 ( down 1) Step 3 add on the units ( right 2) Adding 10 go down 1 Subtracting 10 up 1 Adding 1go right 1 Subtracting 1 go left 1
Your Turn… Use counting on/back addition. Show me on your whiteboards = 47 – 32 = How could you check?
Multiplication and Division in KS1 Number facts and multiplication tables should be learnt ‘by heart’. Resorting to a basic counting strategy can distract learners from thinking about the calculation strategy they are trying to use. Division and multiplication are inverse operations. They should also be able to recall quickly the corresponding division facts. (more on this later)
Multiplication in KS1 First recognize that multiplication is repeated addition No of lots how many per group total 3 x 5 = 15 Is the same as 2 lots of 5 or = 15 Use pictorial cues to represent a x sum. Encourage children to write the sum: = 15
Next Step
Division in KS1 Initially children are introduced the idea of sharing: “There are 3 people and 6 apples, how many apples will each person get?” We would expect children to complete this using jottings or drawings.
Division in KS1 Inverse operations If you know: 2x6=12 6x2=12 12÷2=6 12÷6=2
Multiplication and Division in KS1 Use known facts to find answers to multiplication and division problems 4 x 8 = 2 x 16 = 32 (doubling and halving) 9 x 6 is (10 x 6) – 6 = 54 (rounding and compensating) 63÷7= 9 because 9 x 7=63 (inverse)
Your Turn… Use partitioning or rounding and compensating 19 x 5 =
Consolidation Skip counting 5 x 4 = as 5, 10, 15, 20 Repeated addition. Uses a combination of known multiplication facts and repeated addition 4 x 6 as (6 + 6) + (6 + 6) = = 24. Show me all the way you can make….. Use known multiplication facts and repeated addition facts to calculate division 20 ÷ 4 = 5 because = 10 and = 20
Schools Calculation Policy The school mathematics policy which you can obtain from the website outlines the procedures for introducing and teaching the many mathematical concepts on the curriculum. These are the methods that are currently to be taught and they are statutory.
Why is mental calculation important? How would approach this problem?
Making Links 25 x 8 = Children relying on written procedures forget how much they can do mentally 25 x 8 is double 25 x 4, 25x2
How can you help your child with Mathematics?
Number and Place Value Number lines: jumping forwards and backwards 0-99 grid: 1 more/less & 10 more/less Using number facts: doubles & near doubles/ number bonds to 10 etc. (discussing this with child in every day life) Encourage the most efficient strategy Place value: How do you know 65 is larger that 56?
Number Facts and Times Table Use songs and actions Count in multiples before using the times table facts 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 Learn tables out of sequence and related division facts Practical activities to encourage use and application of times tables i.e. setting the table, pairs of socks, shoes, packets of biscuits etc. Number cards – learn inverse, use unknown number i.e. 3 + ? =4
Money Saving and having a coin collection Shopping and having own purse. Coin rubbings activity- cutting & coin recognition How many different ways could we make…10p, 20p etc. Counting the coin drops into a cup or jar to encourage skip counting 10p, 20p 30p
Measurement Using a ruler - drawing a picture with it, measuring the sections, using the ends & scale correctly Capacity in the bath! Comparing mass when baking or cooking Telling the time - having their own watch Estimate & compare – longer/shorter/taller than, heavier/lighter than vocabulary Don’t be afraid to use mathematical vocabulary! How many three years olds can say Tyrannosaurs Rex?
Books/Websites See the Handout
Thank you! Talk number! Any Questions?