SWRWLND Waitlist Net –Demand Statistics Documentation Prepared by: Leanna Bowman Programmer: Linda Norman October 9, 2012
Purpose of the report The purpose of this report is to provide waitlist information to departments to help assess waitlist data for enrollment planning and projections.
Deciphering the Data There are two segments of data per course on this report 1)An overview of the course as a whole by week 2)A breakdown of the individual sections
Deciphering the Data The first segment is a consolidation of all of the CRNs for a particular course. 1.To better see the pattern of supply and demand, all sections (waitlist-eligible, non- waitlist-eligible, main-campus and off-campus sections) of the course are added together and duplicate requests or students already registered in another section are extracted to get the net-demand.
Deciphering the Data Courses that do not have waitlist eligible sections are not included on this course-level statistics report any Phase I Transitions – waitlist off Summerstart – waitlist off 1 st Day of Class - Phase III
Deciphering the Data Net Waitlist Demand by Class
Deciphering the Data The second segment, the Individual Sections, is listed below the course overview. All active sections are reported (waitlist-eligible, non- waitlist-eligible, main-campus and off-campus) The sections designated with an * in the ‘WL EL’ column are the waitlist eligible sections Courses that do not have waitlist eligible sections are not included on this course-level statistics report any
Deciphering the Data