31 st October – 4 th November 2011 Fall 2011 Meeting Agenda Boulder, Colorado, USA SOIS Application Support Services WG Device Virtualisation & EDS Coordination.


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Presentation transcript:

31 st October – 4 th November 2011 Fall 2011 Meeting Agenda Boulder, Colorado, USA SOIS Application Support Services WG Device Virtualisation & EDS Coordination

2 SOIS APP WG Fall 2011 Agenda Common Denominators from Different User Communities EDS describe functional interface Can then be automatically translated to different software bus, e.g. SPA message formats Allows devices with an EDS to be used with different software architectures EDS describes Device access protocols Can be used to automatically generate device drivers (DVS and DAS)

3 SOIS APP WG Fall 2011 Agenda Functional Interfaces, DoT & EDS Common Terms Syntactic and semantic terms Basic types assumed Simple and composite terms E.g. p1_term : UINT32 p2_term : { p1_term; SINT16 } Device Type-Specific Terms E.g. device type 1: foo_term : { p1_term; p2_term } Generic Functional Interface E.g. device type 1: cmd parameter foo : foo_term Device-Specific Terms E.g. device 1: special_foo_term : { p1_term } Device-Specific Functional Interface E.g. device 1 : device type 1: cmd parameter special_foo : special_foo_term Common DoT Generic Functional Interface Device Functional Interface (= Generic Functional Interfaces + Device-Specific Functional Interface) Generic EDS Device EDS

4 SOIS APP WG Fall 2011 Agenda Book Structure & Relationship Generic EDS for a device type Generic Functional Interface [Book type?] Generic Functional Interface [Book type?] Common Dictionary of Terms (DoT) [Book type?] EDS Schema [Book type?] Generic Functional Interface [Book type?] Common DoT DataBase Generic EDS for a device type Functional InterfaceElectronic Data Sheet * Priority * Standard CCSDS book * Equivalent in machine readable format Same EDS technology Transformation

5 SOIS APP WG Fall 2011 Agenda EDS Schema Standard The book shall: define the XML Schema describe how to use the schema to create the EDS for a device use the Dictionary of Terms to represent the EDS content be extensible allow to include device-specific types Inputs: ESA EDS TRP outputs Owner: ESA Structure Dictionary of Terms May reference Common DoT Functional Interfaces (DVS) Device-specific Abstraction Control Procedure (DACP) Raw Interface (DAS) Device-specific Access Protocol (DAP) Documentation

6 SOIS APP WG Fall 2011 Agenda Common Dictionary of Terms Book Describe the common dictionary of terms to be used in SOIS Generic Functional Interfaces and EDS Describes objectives, content, and maintenance of the dictionary. Interested Parties SOIS APP WG owns the dictionary. SAVOIR-SAFI is stakeholder. AIAA SPA is stakeholder. NASA [modular software architecture] is stakeholder Structure 1.Purpose of the common dictionary of terms. 2.Objective properties of the dictionary: 1.Uniqueness of terms 2.Orthogonality of terms within enumerations 3.Specific description of each term 4.Explicit specific applicability of terms in SOIS interfaces 3.Relations among terms 1.Inclusion 2.aggregation 4.Indexes 1.Name of term 2.Application of term in electronic data sheet (e.g., unit of measure, type of data, context of usage, etc.) 3.Category of term (e.g., syntactic type, physical quantity, discrete state, etc.) 5.Recommended procedures for acquisition of terms 6.Bibliography

7 SOIS APP WG Fall 2011 Agenda Generic Functional Interfaces Book details This is the non-”E” version of data sheet Not clear if there should be one book per device or a complete book of all generic EDS as determined by taxonomy (device specific should be separate) This book should maybe only contain context, use case, guidelines and management of generic EDS OR does it have the human-readable version of the EDS Inputs Domain experts, Taxonomy, DoT Owner, ? Stakeholders Agencies, vendors, commercial aerospace (SpaceX, Boeing...) Structure (stand alone) Context, background information use case, Management (process for submittal and review of new EDS) Enumeration of each EDS Context User’s guide (can be captured from each EDS as text field) EDS as human readable text Appendix with EDS in schema form

8 SOIS APP WG Fall 2011 Agenda Common DoT DB Book Describe electronic version of Common DoT to be used in EDS Will ultimately reside in the SANA, but the book will contain a sample of entries in the initial version of the dictionary for the purpose of explanation Describes objectives, content, and maintenance of the dictionary. This book will probably be the second edition of the common dictionary of terms, following acceptance in text-only form. Inputs to the dictionary Common DoT Book Interested Parties SANA hosts the dictionary. SOIS APP WG owns the dictionary? Perhaps a larger group? SAVOIR-SAFI is stakeholder. AIAA SPA is stakeholder. NASA [modular software architecture] is stakeholder Structure 1.Purpose of the common dictionary of terms. 2.Objective properties of the dictionary: 1.Uniqueness of terms 2.Orthogonality of terms within enumerations 3.Specific description of each term 4.Explicit specific applicability of terms in SOIS interfaces 3.Relations among terms 1.Inclusion 1.aggregation 1.Indexes 1.Name of term 2.Synonymous or similar concepts in multiple languages 3.Keyword search in description text 4.Application of term in electronic data sheet (e.g., unit of measure, type of data, context of usage, etc.) 5.Category of term (e.g., syntactic type, physical quantity, discrete state, etc.) 6.By relationship, given a related term 2.Recommended procedures for acquisition of terms 3.Access to SANA dictionary 1.Online, using standard web browser 2.Static book, generated at a point in time 4.Bibliography

9 SOIS APP WG Fall 2011 Agenda Generic EDS(s) TBD

10 SOIS APP WG Fall 2011 Agenda Proposed Work Plan – EDS Schema Standard Lead Author: ESA Support from SPA (Ray Krossley) & NASA (Reviewers) Inputs: AIAA SPA xTEDS Roadmap: 1.Contents List, Spring Technology Inputs from SOIS WG, Spring ESA R&D Project looking at selection of existing devices, developing prototype EDS Schema to describe up-to device- specific functional interface & 1 st draft EDS Schema Standard, Fall SOIS WG Review of 1 st Draft, Fall ESA R&D Project refines EDS Schema Standard following SOIS WG Review to 2 nd Draft, Spring SOIS WG Review of 2 nd Draft, Spring Finalise for 1 st Agency Review, Fall 2013

11 SOIS APP WG Fall 2011 Agenda Proposed Work Plan – Common Dictionary of Terms Standard Lead Author: AFRL Support from ESA (SAVOIR-SAFI) and NASA Inputs: AIAA SPA Taxonomy Constellation Outputs (supplied by Jonathan) SAVOIR-SAFI Outputs The following sources provide definitions of interfaces which can be reengineered for use as SOIS electronic data sheets. During that process, new terms will be discovered and added to the dictionary. SSDHI PnPSat xTEDS Northrup Grumman’s modular space vehicle SAVOIR-SAFI interfaces APT task order 3 xTEDS Roadmap: 1.Contents List, Spring Iterative process with NASA, AFRL and ESA leading towards 1 st draft Standard, Fall SOIS WG Review of 1 st Draft, Fall AFRL refines Common DoT Standard to 2 nd Draft following SOIS WG Review, Spring SOIS WG Review of 2 nd Draft, Spring Finalise for 1 st Agency Review, Fall 2013

12 SOIS APP WG Fall 2011 Agenda Proposed Work Plan – Generic Functional Interfaces Standards One book or many? Start off with one book & see how it goes Website hosted by SAVOIR-SAFI Lead author per device class? ESA (SAVOIR-SAFI) AFRL NASA GSFC (GPS Receiver) Inputs: Common DoT SAVOIR-SAFI Outputs Iterative process in line with Common DoT Standard?