Welcome to NU 304!!! I am so excited about this class!! I have identified some items in this presentation to help orient you to the course! Please do not hesitate to ask questions. I know you will enjoy this course, and I look forward to the next 10 weeks working with you! We have a lot to learn!!
Course Facts Health/Wellness Assessment Prerequisite: NU300 Course Duration: 10 weeks Semester Credit:6 credit units
Course Outcomes 1. Discuss effective communication strategies a nurse would use to collect and document health history information in diverse populations. 2. Assess predictive factors, including genetics, which influence the health of selected populations. 3. Apply evidence-based practice to promote quality outcomes of care for diverse populations. 4. Prepare a comprehensive health assessment using developmentally and culturally appropriate approaches. 5. Use assessment data to create a holistic health promotion strategy. 6. Formulate a logical solution to a problem.
Holiday Schedule!! Holiday Break begins Wednesday, December 21 and continues through Monday, January 2, Unit 3 begins on Wednesday, December 21, and ends at midnight on Tuesday, January 3, Unit 3 is only one day in length! Please simply post your initial post before midnight on Tuesday, January 3, following the rubric guidelines for format and reference. No responses to classmates required in Unit 3.
Major Assignments Please review “Major Assignments” in Course Home. The details of the assignments are not listed in each unit, so you need to review the Assignments tab for specifics of the assignment. Review the grading rubric for each assignment. This will assist you as you complete the assignment. The rubric is an excellent outline for the content of the assignment.
Unit 4 Assignment Locate the assignment in the tab for assignments in Unit 4. This assignment is due Tuesday, January 10. Individual health history on a member of your virtual family. Download the health history form and complete the form with the data you have on your family member. Answer the 3 questions at the end of the health history form.
Unit 6 Assignment Health Promotion Strategies. This assignment is due Tuesday, January 24 th. Discussion of cultural factors and the importance of a health promotion plan. 3-5 page paper with a minimum of two references. Remember, the title page and reference page are not included in the paper length.
Unit 8 Assignment Comprehensive Health Assessment on each virtual family member. Due Tuesday, February 7 th. Complete a 3-5 page paper with a minimum of 3 references. You will discuss developmental and cultural issues, and strategies the nurse will use when conducting a health assessment on a patient from a different culture.
Unit 9 Assignment Fadiman Case Study. Due Tuesday, February, 14 th. Write a summary of the book imagining how things could have been different for Lia. You need at least 2 references, one of which can be the Fadiman book.
Late Assignments If you need an extension up to one week on an assignment, please notify me before the assignment due date, and I will work with you. Up to one week late = 20% deduction in points if no prior communication with the instructor. I will not accept work more than one (1) week after the due date (Kaplan policy). If you receive an extension, EXT will be entered in the gradebook. If you have not turned in the paper or asked for an extension, then zero will be entered.
Grade Weight and Distribution Details are located in the course syllabus Each activity has total possible points identified – including weekly discussion questions, seminar participation and written work The unit each assignment is due to be turned in is listed here.
Course Outline and Grading Scale Please refer to the Course Syllabus for the outline for each unit. Please become familiar with the grading scale for the course.
KHE Seminar There are 4 seminars in this course. Seminars are a very important part of the course. The optional seminar is in Unit 1 (t0night). This seminar has no points, and there is no make-up assignment due if you miss the seminar. The mandatory seminars are in Unit 3, Unit 5 and in Unit 9. Unit 3 will be on Tuesday, January 3, at 9pm EST. We need to agree on dates/times for Unit 5 and Unit 9 seminars. I will you the dates of the weeks of the seminars, and you can me your choices for day and time.
Seminar Tips Take the tour of the KHE Seminar – click on the link for a guided tour. This is great practice. Make sure you enter the seminar for our class/section. Please review the Seminar Grading Rubric. You can also attend a seminar scheduled for another NU304 course. If unable to attend the mandatory seminar, contact your instructor prior to the scheduled seminar. If the absence is approved, you may complete the alternate seminar assignment.
Threaded Discussion Used to stimulate thought, share ideas and information, connect with classmates and faculty Review the Discussion Question Grading Rubric for all components of the discussion question assignment. Participation requirements – Original post made on or before day 4(Saturday); posts made to each discussion question on at least 3 different days. Initial post should have a reference – and at least one response to your classmates should have a reference.
KU Plagiarism Policy Please review the KU plagiarism policy in course policies This applies to threaded discussions as well as written assignments Very important to familiarize yourself with APA format
Course Policies Additional course information includes: Attendance policy/tardiness policy Submitting papers/APA grading checklist Late assignments Assignment formatting
Assignment Naming Criteria Please make sure you name your assignment according to Kaplan policy. Last name_Assignment Name_Course Title_MM_DD_YY Example: Smith_Unit 3_NU304_02_23_10 Save your assignment/document in Word/submit to unit dropbox..
Virtual Family Assignments Is everyone aware of their virtual family assignment? Since several of you share the same family assignment, it is important that your assignments are creative and specific to your interpretation of the assignment criteria and your family data. Your written assignments are submitted to TurnItIn. The more individualized the paper, the better the statistics on the report (decreased match with other papers).
NU 304 Questions??? I know each of you will gain knowledge during this course, and I anticipate you will have a better understanding of yourself and your role as a nurse in the today’s healthcare environment. Good luck to all of you!