WRITING TEST Wednesday, April 24
TESTING BASICS You will be testing 1, 2, & 3 rd Hour 1 st Hour- Nichols/ 224 w/ Rayno 3 rd Hour- Phillips/ 232 w/ Phillips 4 th Hour- Largent/ 223 w/ Stacy 5 th Hour- Cagle/ 221 w/ Wynn Report directly to these rooms 1 st hour.
TESTING BASICS BRING: Pencils w/ Erasers Peppermints (you can pick up 4 each from Miss Phil in the AM Your Classic or another book to read in case you finish early. DURING THE TEST: UNWRAP your Peppermints when as soon as you get to your desk FIRST THING- Flip through the test booklet to see how much space you have to brainstorm, outline, draft, etc. THEN look at how much space you have for your final essay. If you MUST go to the bathroom/ stretch your legs… BE AS QUIET AS POSSIBLE… ESPECIALLY W/ THE DOOR! If you need additional time.. YOU’VE GOT IT!
COVER YOU A.S.S.S.? A- Answer the Prompt S- State Clearly your point S- Support with DETAILS… SPECIFICS S- Significance/ So What! A. S. S. S.
PHILLIPS’ WRITING STEPS 1.Dissect the Prompt 2.Brainstorm 3.Outline/ Organize (Pinky Rule) 4.Draft 5.ZONE OUT- Peppermint 6.Proof/ Edit (Writer’s Checklist) 7.Write Final 8.ZONE OUT- Peppermint 9.Proof/ Edit (Writer’s Checklist)
NARRATIVES Brainstorm ALL the possibilities THEN brainstorm the one you chose Really think about ORGANIZATION Choose ONE story Stay on task This is the place for FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE TRY to get to the SIGNIFICANCE! DO NOT make stuff up! DO NOT talk about inappropriate topics
COMPARE/ CONTRAST Brainstorm in an organized way DON’T JUST LIST You can often still pull in specifics… get personal… but not too much! Still try to relate that conclusion to some greater idea
GENERAL TIPS STRONG active voice when possible START STRONG… FINISH STRONG In STEP 6- PROOFING & EDITING –Try to read back over your essay and access your strengths & weaknesses –What is memorable/ original/ specific about your essay? –Does your essay flow? Is it organized? Is there a place where it stumbles? –Then ask yourself if there are ways you can improve those weaknesses
BONUS You can copy Miss Phillips’ Writing Steps: 1.Dissect the Prompt 2.Brainstorm 3.Outline/ Organize (Pinky Rule) 4.Draft 5.ZONE OUT- Peppermint 6.Proof/ Edit (Writer’s Checklist) 7.Write Final 8.ZONE OUT- Peppermint 9.Proof/ Edit (Writer’s Checklist) AND Covering your A.S.S.S: A- Answer the Prompt S- State Clearly your point S- Support with DETAILS… SPECIFICS S- Significance/ So What! Up to 50 Times EACH for up to 20 points of BONUS. You receive 1 point for each set of 5. You need to write an EQUAL number of both… you can’t just write one and not the other. These must be delivered to Miss Phillips BEFORE 1 st HOUR!