Don’t manage projects No PMPs No time for Timesheets Can not expose Cost Rates Can not expose Staffing Plan
Where are Investments? What are Priorities? What are Resources doing? Manage Projects Effectively? Does Plan = Actual?
Executive Sponsorship
Initiatives Projects Admin Availability Non-Project Project 40hrs
Project Visibility & Priority? Resource Visibility & Control? Drive Accountability? Sufficient Resources? Improve On-time, On-budget Rate?
Effective Collaboration? Spot-on Traceability? Objective Alignment & Prioritization? Initiate PM as a Discipline? Increase PM Maturity?
Microsoft’s PPM Solution
Management and Leadership Needs Core Needs Build in Phases Standards & Processes Train to “Qualified” Projects
OOB Features & Functionalities Use Only What You Need Go Deep Business Intelligence Data Analyses Trust but Verify (Audit Reports)
Actual Plan Baseline
Tracking Gantt Drill-down from Timeline View Project Details
Resource Availability Remaining Availability Assn Work by Resource Compare demand to capacity Resource Center
Universal Project Milestones Track Critical Milestones UPMs
mPWR Business Intelligence Data Analyses
Facilitate Prioritization Associate meaningful data Program Alignment Project Phase Performing Org Project Manager Portfolio Reports
Count by Phase Count by Program Basic Graphical Project Summary Reports that are Meaningful Project Reports
Work by Role Analyze Role Requirements Resource Reports
Wean off “PowerPointing” Do Online, Interactive PMRs Use OOB Features & Functionalities Quad Charts
Projects by Milestone and Month 30-, 60-, 90-day Forecasts UPMs (critical milestones) Forecast Reports
Timesheet Compliance Baseline Compliance Standards Verification Qualified Project Verify data is high quality Audit Reports
Monthly and YTD Made Dates Missed Dates %Made of Total Dates Count What Really Matters Metric Reports
Data Encryption Blended Rates Non-disclosure Agreements Hidden Cost Rates
Actively Engage Executives Seek Leadership/Management Needs Tackle Fundamentals First Build Qualified Projects Act on Mission-based Priorities
Develop Multi-disciplinary Team Focus on Methodology Develop Use Cases Allow Sufficient Up-front Time Compelling Business Case to mPWR
Allocate Sufficient Resources Test Hardware & Software Develop Clear Goals & Requirements Pilot Small Wins & Build in Phases Provide Continuous Communication
Customize User Training Provide On-going Support & Training Prepare Users for Deployment Prepare to Monitor, Manage & Govern Get Experienced Expert Help
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