U.S. General Services Administration Office of Governmentwide Policy Center for Policy Compliance and Evaluation
2 Core Mission Facilitate government-wide reform by: Improving Policy Adopting best practices Implementing innovative tools
3 Our Approach Conduct evaluations Use Program Review Tools (PRT) developed by SMEs Complete remotely Provide feedback & opportunity to strengthen responses
4 Guiding Principles Agencies want to comply Not public reporting Avoid burdening agencies
5 C&E Program Areas Travel/Relocation Transportation Personal Property Aircraft Motor Vehicle Fleet Mail
6 Collaborative Policy Development Policy developed with interagencies: –Interagency Travel Mgt. Committee (ITMC) –Interagency Mail Policy Council (IMPC) –Interagency Committee on Property Mgt. (ICPM) –Federal Fleet Policy Council (FEDFLEET) –Interagency Committee for Aviation Policy (ICAP) –Combined Freight & Household Goods Committee Ideas tested with interagency groups or outgrowths of discussions
7 Improving Policy-Internal Document intent of policy/projects Establish performance expectations and outcomes Measure accomplishments Identify and implement customer recommendations
8 Improving Policy- Agencies Gauge compliance with mandated policies Measure impact of new/revised policies Identify obstacles to policy implementation
9 Adoption of Best Practices Adoption rate Why agencies failed to adopt Identify new best practices
10 Implement Innovative Tools Obtain feedback on current systems (FAIRS, FAST, TRIP) Improve systems & reports Identify new tools and systems
11 Program Review Tools Parts 1.Compliance to Mandates: GSA policy, your agency, IG, OMB, GAO, PART 2.Adoption of Best Practices 3.GSA Feedback: What should we change? Do you have input into policy development Identify obstacles
12 Evaluation Phases & Length Review PhaseLengthDescription Communication2 weeks Intro letter: POC Entrance meeting Provide program review tool (PRT) Exit Meeting Evaluation9 weeks1)Agency completes PRT 2)GSA interim evaluation 3)Agency follow-up 4)GSA provides final evaluation Identifies corrective actions New best practices and innovative solutions MonitoringOngoing Weak findings Agency remediation plan Focused reviews Strong findings – 3 year review cycle
13 Evaluation Process C&E Process
14 Compliance Question 41CFR (a), FAR 8.102: Do you have documented agency policy requiring that excess property is used as first source of supply ( )YES ( )NO? Is adherence to the policy proactively checked or addressed ( )YES ( )NO? For yes answers, cite supporting evidence or basis; for no answers, please explain
15 Benefit to Agencies Provide input on regulations, GSA systems, etc. Identifies best practices & innovative technologies Changes non-compliance into compliance enabling passage of audits by other entities Allows you to monitor and/or direct policy changes w/i your agency
16 Benefit to GSA Assists agencies in achieving compliance Improves policies and their effectiveness Promotes best practices and innovations Ensures effective measurements are in place when delivering targeted policies
17 C&E Points of Contact NameArea(s)Phone Janet Lois Mandell Deputy Director & Rick BenderPersonal Ed LawlerMotor Stewart Randall Transportation, Mail & Jay
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