Digitale Bouwaanvraag The Digital Building Permit EUPAN 3 rd November Utrecht
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Digital building permit in Flanders Building permit policy The Digital Building Permit-project Policy framework for the project The Challenge of the project Goals and ambitions Impact Administrative burdens Efficient government
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Building Permit policy Part of Spatial Planning policy Responsability of the regions Subsidiarity: municipalities as first interlocutor Demand for permit by: -Civilians -Architects -Companies Different procedures depending on impact, size, location, … All demands on paper in many copies (from 4 till 10!) Heritage procedures are integrated when applicable Different procedures for environmental issues
Digitale Bouwaanvraag The Digital building permit project Introduction Used approach Scope The building permit process Principles for the implementation Current state of the project
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Introduction Initiator: Flemish government Projectteam of 6 persons (approx. 3 FTE) of the Flemish administration Additional adhoc support from experts from the administration when necessary 2 ½ year project (till end 2012) Current budget: 1,55 million euros Close collaboration with city of Antwerp
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Used approach Different work-packages: Information management Technical development Process management and legislation Communication Participation and commitment of all the concerned stakeholders Based on current legislation Learning and adapting best practices from comparable projects: ‘omgevingsloket Nederland’, stad Antwerpen, …
Digitale Bouwaanvraag 3. The registration of the carrying out of the construction works Start of the works The end of the works 3. The registration of the carrying out of the construction works Start of the works The end of the works 1.The online input of the demand for a building permit (the intake process) 2. The treatment of the demand advice procedures file treatment and follow up by the administration Status follow up by citisens/architects 2. The treatment of the demand advice procedures file treatment and follow up by the administration Status follow up by citisens/architects The scope of the project
Digitale Bouwaanvraag The process of the digital building permit Step 1: customised advice (out of scope) Interactive detection if a permit is necessary Interactive detection if an architect is necessary Step 2: Preparation of the demand Personal input of a demand through the e_ID card Mandating an architect online Input of the demand by the architect with his e_ID
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Step 3: input of my demand Through the address, the parcel number or locating the position on a map Input of the demand data Uploading the construction plan(s) Receipt by the appropriate authorities Step 4: Follow up of my demand Immediate start of the permit process – interaction with the advising authorities (management of the advises) Follow up of the process (where is my file) Delivery of the decision concerning the permit The process of the digital building permit
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Step 5: My communication with the authorities Electronic announcement of the start and end of the works Automatic notification to all parties involved of the start and end of the works The process of the digital building permit
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Project digitale stedenbouwkundige vergunning
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Principles for the implementation Use of authenticated data sources -Citisen number and data -Company database -Parcel information system -Geodata Setting up exchange standards Building a new authenticated source on permit data for re-use Maximal use of open source technology Open communication Ensuring legal validity User friendliness
Digitale Bouwaanvraag The MAGDA platform for sharing information ACM/IDM (user management and login procedures) Digital signature platform GIS- en datacomponents -RWO datamanager -MAGDA GEO platform Other … Re-use of software components Principles for the implementation
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Current state of the project Setting up of the projectteam, sponsor group and steering committee Project-plan Collaboration protocol with the city of Antwerp European call for tenders for the analysis and development of the front- and back-office
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Policy Framework Government agreement -Administrative simplification, customer-friendly government, e-government, innovative developments, partnership local governments, development digital instruments Government at full strength -Beter services by coupling databases, integrated data and back-office activities Vlaanderen in Actie – Flanders in ActionFlanders in Action Policy decisions in the Spatial Planning and Administrative Affairs policy area -Permit Process -E-government -Recommendations from parliamentary Commissions Berx en Sauwens Stuurgroep digitale bouwaanvraag - 27 oktober 2010
Digitale Bouwaanvraag The Challenge of the project Exchange and management of information Different actors Different policy levels Different procedures depending on local and regional regulations Different back-office systems Connection of authentic data-sources
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Ambitions and goals Digital, open exchange of building permit information for all relevant parties Uniform and general approach Simplify and fasten procedures Increase transparancy of the proces Structural data-management: a new central authentic source
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Impact Impact on building process and a lot of related processes Better alignment with different processes Simplification of procedures Reduction of administrative burdens Support local governments
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Administrative burdens Survey in the Netherlands -Reduction by 50% = 625 euro / request In Flanders requests / year 5 years transition period => 60% digital requests 5 years => 15,1 mio euro (conservative estimate) -Only based on time saved (local authority and architect) -+ Other administrative reductions: paperless application, sending costs, … => + 27,9 mio euro -+ requests by citizens Future other applications
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Costs of regulation for the government Reduction of the “management”-costs on government side Authentic datasource Efficient and effective government
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Regulatory management Map procedures and processes Spot simplification opportunities Stakeholders and target group -analysis Impact analysis Administrative burdens Adapt regulation
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Questions?
Digitale Bouwaanvraag Thank you for your attention Sarah Spiessens, projectmanager, Dienst Wetsmatiging Paul Van Lindt, projectleider, Dept. RWO (K&I)