Library Grant Proposal Town Center Elementary School Lindsey Brooks
Determining What is Needed Current Collection Analysis Through Alexandria export to TitleWave Coverage of content Balanced Dewey Collection Age and condition of books Accuracy and timeliness of information Teacher/Student Input Needs and interests Selection Policy
Collection Breakdown By Percentage
Average Age Of Titles By Section
Balanced Dewey Comparison
Collection By Year
Percent of Collection Beyond Ideal Publication Date Range
Suggested Collection Age Guidelines for Weeding Dewey NumberSuggested Collection Age GuidelinesCurrent Avg. Age years (technology titles may age faster)1997 (18 yrs) years1995 (20 yrs) years1995 (20 yrs) years1994 (21 yrs) years1991 (24 yrs) years (some science titles may age faster)1996 (19 yrs) years (technology titles may age faster)1997 (18 yrs) years1997 (18 yrs) 800Flexible1994 (21 yrs) years (countries, atlas, maps may age faster)1996 (19 yrs) BiographiesFlexible (10 years for contemporary subjects)1996 (19 yrs) Encyclopedias5 years (consider online versions)1996 (19 yrs) Almanacs3 years1996 (19 yrs) Periodicals3 years; 6 months if superseded by online resourcesWithin 1 year Fiction10 years1995 (20 yrs) Audio/VideoCheck periodically for condition and content1998 (17 yrs) CD RomsFormat compatibility ages quicklyN/A Town Center’s Collection Nationally Recognized Guidelines (CREW Weeding Method)
This year alone, 560 books have been weeded from our Media Center collection that have text grade levels of Grades 5 through GOAL: An outstanding collection suitable for Preschool through Grade 2.
Resource Type Current Amount Current % Target % Difference Target Cost Considering Both Goal Age and Balance Nonfiction 000s %$500 Nonfiction 100s %$500 Nonfiction 200s %$500 Nonfiction 300s %$1,000 Nonfiction 400s %$500 Nonfiction 500s %$1000 Nonfiction 600s % $1500 (updating) Nonfiction 700s %$500 Nonfiction 800s %$1500 Nonfiction 900s %$2000 Reference/Online374/ %$2000 Biographies %$1500 DVDs*N/A $1000 E-Books**N/A $1000 TOTAL:$15, 000 Target Purchase Percentages And Costs By Section
Teacher Needs: Lower text levels Board books Strong vocabulary for ELL American holidays/celebrations Science topics Inventions/Engineering Online research tools for K-2 E-books
Student Wishes: Lower text levels “Cool” topics – UFOs, ghosts Inventions/Experiments E-books Biographies about famous kids
Proposal: Based on Collection Analysis and School Needs: Purchase for each Dewey section to allow for updating of older materials and maintaining collection balance Purchase Reference and Biography titles to expand and update sections Purchase DVDs to replace/update VHS Begin a strong NF e-book collection
Dewey 000s: $500 Unexplained phenomena (ghosts, UFOs) Internet / Digital Citizenship Computer Coding Types of math graphing Miscellaneous information
Dewey 100s: $500 Following rules Friendship / kindness Perseverance Social skills Emotions
Dewey 200s: $500 Religions Religious holidays and celebrations Holidays around the world Religious stories
Dewey 300s: $1000 Community / helpers Money Holidays Nursery rhymes Fairy tales
Dewey 400s: $500 Language Grammar Dictionaries Writing skills Words
Dewey 500s: $1000 Math Life Science Animals Experiments Space
Dewey 600s: $1500 Inventions Engineering Technology Machines / Robots Being healthy
Dewey 700s: $500 Drawing Crafts Games Sports Folk songs / nursery songs
Dewey 800s: $1500 Fiction/Nonfiction Poetry Jokes Environment
Dewey 900s: $2000 Cities States Countries Map Skills People History
Reference/Online: $2000 Scholastic GO! (Grolier online encyclopedia) Pebble Go Nonfiction Database Encyclopedias Atlases Nonfiction Magazines Word Books/Dictionaries
Biographies: $1500 Updated titles Picture book style biographies Modern interests (Pop Bios) Inventors & Innovators Authors, Athletes Representing men and women
Curriculum-Related DVDs: $1000 How-to Health information featuring Arthur Holidays Dinosaurs Science – STEM, Sound, Machines, Weather, Space
Nonfiction e-books: $1000 Preschool Math Science Folktales/Legends Animals Social skills/social topics