VTPBiS Coordinators Webinar May 23, 2012
Welcome! VTPBiS Coordinators Webinar Presented by Sherry Schoenberg How to login: You will be connected to audio using your telephone after joining the Webinar. Please dial the following info that will also appear on your screen: Toll: xxx-xxx-xxxx Access Code: this is the number that was provided in your confirmation from GoToWebinar (don’t forget to hit the # key after the access code) Audio PIN: Shown after joining the Webinar Please DO NOT connect using your computer’s microphone and speakers.
Introductions When we call your name please: 1)Raise your hand to let us know you are present. 2)If others are in the room with you, Anne Dubie at so you can receive a certificate or
Webinar Logistics 2 Ways to Interact: – Raise your hand using the icon on your screen – Type a question into the text box Intermittently we will provide opportunities to interact. This webinar will be recorded. Please note, your microphone will be muted unless otherwise indicated.
Agenda Understanding our role as “coach” in supporting end-of year data-based decision- making Strategies for leadership team/systems review and action planning Strategies for behavior data review and action planning Using results for planning next year’s professional development Staff acknowledgements
Understanding our role as “coach” in supporting end-of year data-based decision- making
Overlapping Roles State TA Implementation Coaches SU/District Coordinator & School Coordinator COACHING Our goal is to become competent coaches
COACHING FUNCTIONS (enabling) Guidance for team startup Technical assistance Resource accessProblem solving Data-based decision making Positive reinforcement Prompting & reminding Communications network
SWPBS/PBIS Lessons Learned Invest in 1-3 yrs of on-going professional development Provide annual boostersEstablish school & district/regional COACHINGAnnual self-assessment of integrity & outcomesIntegrate initiatives with similar outcomesEstablish local content & implementation expertise
Planning for Sustainability: Guiding Principles Never stop doing what is already working Always look for the smallest change that will produce the largest effect Do no add something new without also defining what you will stop doing Collect and use data for decision making 10
Strategies for leadership team/systems review and action planning
The importance of systems review The leadership team plays a critical role in developing systems to support universal, targeted and intensive level practices – Create procedures for all interventions. – Support staff and ensure communication with families – Create links between universal and targeted systems 13
14 “Critical to success is the administrator’s active role in supporting the school-based team process.” -Tim Lewis THANK YOU Administrators!
Principal Self-Assessment 15
Planning Activities for Leadership Team System Review 1.Invite Principal to complete self-assessment 2.Use the Team Profile and Meeting Schedule to determine the following: – Do you have the right people on your team? – Schedule meetings for next school year 3.Review Items 1-6 on BoQ 17
Strategies for behavior data review and action planning
Collect and Use and UseData Develop Hypothesis Discuss and Select Solutions Develop and Implement Action Plan Evaluate and Revise Action Plan Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model Identify Problems 20
Types: Staff Perception Data – Review Self-Assessment (SAS) Data Student Outcome Data – Review ODR Data “Big 5” Universal Implementation Fidelity Data – Review Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) 21
Reviewing your Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) results….. 22 Purpose:Assess staff perceptions of PBIS practices in place and priority for changes Design annual action plan Format:Survey Completed by:All staff Manual or on-line scoring, graphing When?Annually, preferably in the spring
Two main questions 1.What systems are in place now? 2.What systems are most in need of improvement?
24 Understanding SAS Results: 1)Total Score 2)Subscale 3)Items
Total Score :
26 Total Score :
27 Subscale :
28 Items:
SAS Summary Sheet 29
Leadership Team Activity for SAS Review and Planning – As a leadership team, record results on the SAS Summary Sheet: Using the total Scores Report, circle High, Medium or Low Priority by school domain. Using the Individual Items Report, list the three major strengths in each of the four systems areas Using the same report, list three major areas in need of development For each system, circle one priority are for focusing development activities Come up with 2 priority focus areas for next school year 30
Quick Big 5 blends all of the Big 5 Reports together into a single report. Reviewing your School-wide Student Outcome Data… 32
Using data to determine what system to focus on… 33
34 Where to find this information? SWIS: *End of Year Report *Custom Report *Custom Graph *”Big 5” Graph
Reviewing your Student Outcome Data…… TIPS Problem-Solving “Mantra” 1.Do we have a problem? (identify) 2.What is the precise nature of our problem? (define, clarify, confirm/disconfirm inferences) 3.Why does the problem exist, & what can we do about it? (hypothesis & solution) 4.What are the actual elements of our plan? (Action Plan) 5.Is our plan being implemented, & is it working? (evaluate & revise plan) 35
What is the precise nature of our problem? (What is the data we need for a decision?) Precise Problem Statements include information about the following questions: – What is the problem and how often is it happening? – Where is it happening? – Who is experiencing the problem? – When is the problem most likely? – Why do we see this problem and what is sustaining it? 36
Use School-wide Information System (SWIS) Data to Achieve Precision QuestionSWIS Table/Graph What problem behaviors are occurring? Referrals by problem behavior When are problem behaviors occurring? Referrals by time Where are problem behaviors occurring? Referrals by location Who is engaging in problem behaviors? Referrals by student Why do problem behaviors keep happening Referrals by motivation 37
Problem Statement (primary) We have high rates of physical aggression, disrespect and inappropriate language on the playground Problem Statement We have high rates of physical aggression, disrespect and inappropriate language on the playground during second and third grade recess. Problem Statement (precise) We have high rates of physical aggression, disrespect and inappropriate language on the playground during second and third grade recess. Many students are involved and it appears they are trying to get access to equipment/games 38
Leadership Team Activity for Student Behavior Data Review and Planning – As a leadership team choose one of the following activities: Review your “Big 5” Data and complete the ODR Data Focus Worksheet Come up with two precise problem statements that will guide your work for next year. 39
Reviewing your Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) results….. 41 Purpose:Assess leadership teams perceptions of PBIS implementation at the Universal Level Format:Survey (Electronic Scoring Form) Completed by:Leadership Team, School Coordinator and SU/District Coordinator When?Twice Annually, in the Fall and Spring
BoQ 10 Critical Features: 1.PBIS Team 2.Faculty/Staff Commitment 3.Effective Procedures for Dealing with Problem Behaviors 4.Data Entry and Analysis Plan Established 5.Expectations and Rules Developed 6.Reward Recognition Program Established 7.Lesson Plans for Teaching Expectations/Rules 8.Implementation Plan 9.Classroom Systems 10.Evaluation
43 Understanding BoQ Results: 1)Total Score 2)Subscale 3)Items
44 Total Score:
45 Subscale:
46 Items:
Using results for planning next year’s professional development
Leadership Team Activity for Identifying Priorities and Planning for Next Year – As a leadership team, use the SAS, BoQ and ODR activities to identify needs and priorities for next year. – Follow the sequence listed on the Priorities and Professional Development Plan – Summary Sheet to complete this work. – Complete the Training Calendar Form 48
Action Planning for Behavior PAGE 1
Action Planning for Behavior, Cont’d… PAGE 2
Leadership Team Activity for Planning Next Year’s Roll-out As a leadership team: Complete the VTPBiS Universal/Targeted Action Plan for Sustainability (handout) 51
Staff Acknowledgements
Types of Staff Acknowledgements Share Data with Staff Staff Celebrations Certificates of Participation (training, leadership team, etc.) Staff Acknowledge each other Public recognition Community involvement in staff acknowledgements
Staff Acknowledgment Ideas: Go to: l-coordinator-meetings