BAB General Membership Meeting June, 2015
President’s Report Beth O’Donnell
1st Vice President’s Report Ron Ring Looking for officers: Concessions and First VP
New Business – Concessions Position: Scheduler/Team Rep Position: Compile the events that need to be covered Get teams to staff the concession stand/work 50/50 Keep track of hours for payment (we will have people sign in as they work) Send out an reminder to team…team can remind workers Keep schedule updated on the website Purchaser: Purchase/order food Arrange for deliveries Have process for communicating what we are out of/low on…chalkboard/clip board in concession area? Event Coordinator/Trainer: Team rep (or designee) will be asked to come to a training session for: 50/50, food prep, set-up, money handling etc. It will be team reps responsibility to be in the concession stand that evening to train others and take the lead Other: 50/50 will be run out of the concession stand with the workers from the same team working the food Money: we need to work out a process with Joanne
2 nd Vice President’s Report Chip Bell Scholarship recipients
Secretary’s Report Mary Grace Dimitrijevs
Treasurer’s Report JoAnne Farwell
Membership Report Julie Seballos
Team Report Jennifer Starinsky
Athletic Department Report High School Dan Kalinsky
Athletic Department Report Middle School Andy Fisher
Allocation Requests Picnic Tables Picnic Tables Safe for concession stand Safe for concession stand.
THANK you senior parents and officers! “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.” ~Abraham Lincoln Board Members: Jen, Ron, Janice Dan Come visit !!! Once a BEE always A BEE!!!
Golf Outing…Paypal buttons in place on websiteGolf Outing…Paypal buttons in place on website ***please your friends!!***please your friends!! BAB banners to be ordered for HS/MSBAB banners to be ordered for HS/MS BAB Old Business
Thank You’s: Team Reps for volunteering and keeping your teams in the “Loop”! Officers for continued work behind the scenes! For attending tonight’s meeting! Thank You’s: Team Reps for volunteering and keeping your teams in the “Loop”! Officers for continued work behind the scenes! For attending tonight’s meeting!
Next Meeting, Monday, August 3, 2015 HS Pavillion
Thank You for Attending Your Bees Athletic Boosters Meeting!
Adjourn Have a great summer and Best Wishes to our Senior Parents