1 FIM AFRICA Environmental Commission 2015 Review
FIM AFRICA Initiatives 2015 The Environmental Education Project The project objective was to deliver a complete environmental education programme to the affiliated FMNs. The goals of this programme are that:- All motorsport role-players are environmentally aware and conscious. All motorsport role-players are aware of their environmental responsibilities and understand the measures which they need to implement. The project had to be:- a packaged solution capable of easy adoption and demand limited resources both human and financial Training Materials are the following:- A series of four Powerpoint Presentations An illustrated Environmental Guide 2
FIM AFRICA Initiatives 2015 Enviro Awareness at MX of African Nations 3 Involved:- Organiser Spectators Competitors Initiatives:- Displayed Enviro FIM AFRICA Banners Enviro Message in race Programme Enviro Charter signed by Competitors Greenest Rider Competition for Competitors
FMN Initiatives & Activities Several FMNs were actively promoting environmental sustainability:- 1.Kenya – Enviro Awareness & Media 2.Morocco – Event Compliance 3.South Africa – Educational Programme 4.Zimbabwe – Enviro Awareness
5 Concerns & Opportunities Indifferent attitude of several African FMNs towards the FIM’s environmental policy Lack of initiative from several African FMNs & Internal FMN politics FMNs which remain ignorant about mandatory environmental standards at FIM AFRICA sanctioned events Treatment Enviro Stewards get from some FMNRs and officials Funding for the training of FIM AFRICA Environmental Stewards and/or hosting of a Train-the-Trainer seminar Implement a GREENEST RIDER award at every FIM AFRICA event Marketing and getting potential sponsers for the Commission To identify an “environmental representative” within every African FMN to co- ordinate and address environmental matters.