Everett Community College proudly presents Technical Customer Service Representative
Everett Community College Technical Customer Service Representative Who?? Industry partners include:
EVERETT COMMUNITY COLLEGE TECHNICAL CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE PROGRAM CAREER PATHWAY CSR Customer Support Certificate (43 Credits) Administrative Assistant Certificate (43 CSR credits + 20 additional credits = 63 credits) Business Technology ATA Degree (63 AA credits + 27 Additional credits = 90 credits) BS & MS Degrees Information Technology & Administrative Management (CWU)
OUR PROGRESS TO DATE….. EvCC currently has six students enrolled in the CSR program Navigators visited business classes second week of the quarter to talk about the program and are currently following up with those students that expressed an interest in the CSR program Presentation done at the Navy Support Complex in Marysville; Navy family support staff will meet with military spouses regarding the program Outreach has begun to National Guard personnel & their spouses Spring quarter 2016, two classes of i-BEST students will be enrolled in the CSR program, approximately 40 total, from our East County campus in Monroe Continue to offer monthly information sessions Navigators will attend a career fair for Marysville SD students promoting the CSR program Continue active promotion on campus and the community through class presentations, reader board signage, and meetings with WorkSource/Workforce Development Working with one of our industry partners, we are investigating the possibility of bringing our CSR program to their current CSR employees, using their education benefits to pay for “skilling up” Work has begun on the simulation lab with it being up and fully functional Fall 2016; progress hindered by building improvements occurring during the summer. Latino Night was held at East County campus in Monroe; outlining all of the programs including CSR
Center of Excellence for Aerospace & Advanced Manufacturing proudly presents National Career Readiness Certificate
OUR PROGRESS TO DATE….. These companies have signed on as “recognizing” or “recommending” the NCRC Silicon Forest RKL Enterprises Jim Graham Electric CH2O (pending) Number of proctors trained, by college: COE for Aerospace: 1, also is a Train the Trainer EvCC: proctors already trained through Air Washington Shoreline: 3 Green River: 4 South Seattle: 2, plus one at the WorkSource located on their campus Bates: 6 Walla Walla: 1 Centralia: 2-3 scheduled to be trained Feb. 9 Exams Given to Industry: The CoE has a MOU with StockPot in Everett; we are currently testing their job applicants; we 21 have been tested from Oct to date Exams Given to WISE Participants: Centralia: 1 staff member tested by CoE for Aerospace Bates/Centralia: 18 PowerPathways candidates tested Everett CC: 13 Pre-Employment students tested Fall Quarter: comment made by a gentleman in his 40’s going through worker retraining after scoring a Gold on the NCRC, “I didn’t know I was that smart”. Poster Presentation submitted at ACT’s Work Ready Communities Best Practices Conference in September 2015