G r a m m a r G a m e s Affect vs. Effect For 7 th Grade Language Arts With SpongeBob Squarepants
Hi! I’m SpongeBob! I’m going to help Ms. Tice’s 7 th grade class learn the difference between “effect” and “affect,” and when to use each one!
Affect (v.) to act on; produce an effect or change in Source:
Examples: Cold weather affected the recess schedule for the students. The sad song the boy heard affected his mood.
Effect (n.) something that is produced by an agency or cause; result; consequence Source:
Examples: Nausea is a potential side effect of Advil. The warning from the teacher left no lasting effect on the behavior of the students.
Now Let’s Test Your Knowledge!
Question 1: The student’s good attitude and willingness to work ___________her school work in a positive manner. A. Affected B. Effected
Question 2: Sally complained so much about the homework that it ________ the student’s desire to help her. A. Affected B. Effected
Question 3: Patty’s bad attitude had a negative ________ on the other students in the classroom. A. Affect B. Effect
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Source Citations! “Affect” Def. 1a. Random House Dictionary “Effect” Def. 1a. Random House Dictionary