Pay it Forward
TrevorTrevor ArleneArlene Mr. SimonetMr. Simonet JerryJerry Mr. ThorsenMr. Thorsen AdamAdam SydneySydney
Pay it Forward TrevorTrevor ArleneArlene Mr. SimonetMr. Simonet Jerry Sydney Mr. Thorsen
Pay it Forward Three BIG favors for three people….Three BIG favors for three people…. Money for clothes & shoes,Money for clothes & shoes, a job, a place to live!!a job, a place to live!! A little goes a long way!!!A little goes a long way!!!
The Characters Trevor and Arlene:Trevor and Arlene: –What is their relationship like? –How and Why does it change? Jerry and Sydney:Jerry and Sydney: –Explain their best characteristics!!! –How are they different from people like Ricky? –Connect Sydney to Neo??? Mr. Thorsen: Mr. Simonet: what is he afraid of? ADAM
relationships We all have scars or something we want to hide or improve…..We all have scars or something we want to hide or improve….. We can only reveal our true self to those we trustWe can only reveal our true self to those we trust The person you can tell anything and everything to….The person you can tell anything and everything to….
PAY IT FORWARD Addiction:Addiction: –children of alcoholics fix and clean up the mess; they either continue or break the cycle Abuse: physical, sexual, verbal and neglectAbuse: physical, sexual, verbal and neglect Relationships: abuse and addictionRelationships: abuse and addiction –Victims make excuses for the abuse and abuser You can only help people who want to changeYou can only help people who want to change Admit mistakes and learn from themAdmit mistakes and learn from them And the Truth shall set you free!!!And the Truth shall set you free!!!
Pay it Forward trevor jerry Adam MR simonet
What did each person do to Pay it Forward? And HOW did they Pay it Forward? Trevor helps JerryTrevor helps Jerry Jerry helps ArleneJerry helps Arlene Arlene forgives her mother helps SydneyArlene forgives her mother helps Sydney Sydney helps Thorsen’s daughterSydney helps Thorsen’s daughter Thorsen gives his Jaguar to ChandlerThorsen gives his Jaguar to Chandler Chandler tracks down the pay it forward movement and shares the story!!!Chandler tracks down the pay it forward movement and shares the story!!!
The BIBLICAL Message trevor jerry Arlene Lady on bridge Arlene forgives her mother Arlene's mother helps Sydney Sydney helps Thorsens daughter Thorsen helps chandler Chandler tracks the pay it forward story
Pay it Forward Questions for reflectionQuestions for reflection Let’s get Biblical! Can you make Biblical connections to this movie or movement?Let’s get Biblical! Can you make Biblical connections to this movie or movement? Think of ways that you can pay it forward……………..Think of ways that you can pay it forward…………….. Is this easy to do?Is this easy to do? Is this difficult?Is this difficult? What gets in the way?What gets in the way?
Let’s Get Biblical Final Reflection Paper:Final Reflection Paper: Compare the ministry of Jesus,Compare the ministry of Jesus, –"the Jesus movement" to –"the Pay it Forward movement" –"the Pay it Forward movement" Be specific and use specific examples and quotes from Jesus.Be specific and use specific examples and quotes from Jesus. Compose a description for this Jesus and Film course by using examples from movies we watched in class through the Biblical Lens.Compose a description for this Jesus and Film course by using examples from movies we watched in class through the Biblical Lens.
Pay it Forward Now it is your turn to Pay it forward!!!Now it is your turn to Pay it forward!!! Think of others and their needs and how you can be of service…….Think of others and their needs and how you can be of service……. Be an instrument of peaceBe an instrument of peace Be an instrument of understandingBe an instrument of understanding Be an instrument of generosityBe an instrument of generosity Be an instrument of serviceBe an instrument of service Be an instrument of love and compassionBe an instrument of love and compassion