Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CISStat) Possible difficulties in the implementation of the CES Recommendation for the 2020 round in countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Irina A.Zbarskaya CISStat Workshop on Population and Housing Censuses Geneva, September 2015
2 CES Rec. (1) Chapter V. POPULATION BASES The ‘place of usual residence’ is the geographic place where the enumerated person usually spends their daily rest, assessed over a defined period of time including the census reference time p.397 The population base to be used for international comparisons purposes is the ‘usually resident population’. The ‘usually resident population’ of a country is composed of those persons who have their place of usual residence in the country at the census reference time and have lived, or intend to live, there for a continuous period of time of at least 12 months. A ‘continuous period of time’ means that absences (from the country of usual residence) whose durations are shorter than 12 months do not affect the country of usual residence. The same criteria apply for any relevant territorial division (being the place of usual residence) within the country p.398
3 CES Rec. (2) cont. Particular cases pp Second and third level students Table 1 Rotation workers Persons in compulsory military service – general rule of place of usual residence (REC p.162 f).
4 CES Rec. (3) Chapter VI. GEOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS The location of place of residence - should be coded to the smallest possible civil division and geo-referenced to geographical coordinates p.415 Concepts of urban and rural areas p.427 Chapter VIII. ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS New international recommendations concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization p.491,Box 1 CISSTAT has developed the detailed explanation of the I Resolution of the 19th ICLS Chapter XI. MIGRATION The importance of measuring of international migration for CIS
5 MIGRATION in CIS (1) Migration between countries of the CIS, 2014 thousand persons Departures to CIS countries (country of departure data) Arrivals to CIS countries (country of arrival data) Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia
6 MIGRATION in CIS (2) CISSTAT conducted the experimental calculations, using the method of "mirror statistics" on migration data Total accumulated over 24 years ( ) differences in data migration amounted to about 5 million people The actual population in the Commonwealth by 2015 estimated on 5 million people less 282 million people – 5 million people = 277 million people
7 MIGRATION in CIS (3) The gap of net migration in the CIS ( estimated balance minus official balance, thousand people ) Diffe- rence Diffe- rence
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